Help with Tax Information Authorization Tax Information Authorization

How to videos:

If we reject a TIA

Common reasons why we reject TIA submissions:

  • Taxpayer ID is missing on the form
  • The full business name is not provided
  • Representative’s name and/or address are missing, incomplete, or illegible
  • Form is not signed by an authorized individual
  • "Print Name" field not complete
  • Signature Date is missing on the form

Death of an individual with a TIA

When an individual dies and we are notified of their death, we’ll revoke their TIA because it is no longer valid.

A new relationship can be established between a representative and a deceased taxpayer (or the estate of the deceased taxpayer) using a TIA signed by the legal representative of the deceased taxpayer (or their estate).

The legal representative of the deceased taxpayer (or their estate) does not need a TIA to access the deceased taxpayer's (or their estate's) account.

The authority to access such information and represent the deceased taxpayer (or their estate) is supported by documentation such as:

  • A valid will
  • A valid trust instrument
  • Letters Testamentary
  • Letters of Administration
  • Court Orders

If you’re obtaining a TIA on behalf of a minor child

To receive tax information for a minor, you must attach at least one of these items to the TIA form:

  • Birth certificate
  • Custody agreement
  • Court order
  • Any other documentation that establishes permission

You must use one of the Individual or Fiduciary signing formats in order for the TIA form to be accepted.

Contact us about TIA

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Weekdays, 8 AM to 5 PM
Tax professionals hotline
Weekdays, 8 AM to 5 PM
Franchise Tax Board
PO Box 2828
Rancho Cordova, CA 95741-2828