What’s new with MyFTB
New features
- Businesses and tax professionals with an active Power of Attorney (POA) can request a certificate of revivor.
- Certain businesses are eligible to request and manage a payment plan.
January 18, 2025
New features
- FTB-issued liens and withholding orders displayed on individual taxpayer accounts. Taxpayers and POA representatives can request a modification on eligible withholding orders.
- • Generate a printable taxable year summary for individual taxpayers.
Updated features
- Tax professional activity list includes more types of activities.
- View information about business collections hearings and provide documents before the hearing.
June 24, 2024
New features
MyFTB now requires you to validate your identity by sending a verification code to your phone.
The following new features are now available for Business Entity clients:
- View information about audit hearings and provide documents before the hearing.
- View and protest a Notice of Proposed Adjustment to Carryover Amount (NPACA) on the Proposed Assessment pages.
- When you send a message, you can indicate if you are responding to a prior notice, correspondence, or online application.
January 24, 2024
Updated features
- New MyFTB passwords must be at least 15 characters.
- When you send a message, you can indicate if you are responding to a prior notice, correspondence, or online application. (Individual taxpayers only)
- View information about individual audit and collections hearings and provide documents before the hearing.
- View certain business payments as soon as we begin processing them.
October 1, 2023
New features
- Audit hearing information is now available for individual taxpayers. You can also upload documents related to your hearing.
Updated features
- Modified the Send Message to FTB service to allow you to indicate if the message is in response to a prior notice or correspondence.
- Added Notices of Proposed Adjustment for Carryover Amount (NPACAs) to the Proposed Assessment pages for individual taxpayers. These can be protested the same way as Notices of Proposed Assessment (NPAs).
- Redesigned the Update Contact Information and Other Services pages to improve usability.
June 19, 2023
Updated features
- Updated email notification format to match other official communications from FTB.
- Reworded the alerts that appear on Overview pages to improve readability.
- Due to the extension of time to file 2022 returns for most Californians, the ability to request an Individual Status Letter online has been delayed until October 17, 2023.
January 17, 2023
New features
- Taxpayers and POA representatives will be able to request an Individual Status Letter (aka: Student Status Letter) online beginning April 19, 2023.
- A confirmation number will now be provided when sending a message to FTB.
- TIA relationship history will be available for the last 24 months only
Updated features
- The public field office information link has been added to the Other Services page in MyFTB.
- Most individual taxpayers with an existing Basic account can select to upgrade to a full MyFTB account in real-time or continue to receive a PIN by mail.
September 21, 2022
New features
- Masked all SSNs and ITINs when returned from FTB (when external user provides the full ID number, they will be able to see what they entered).
Updated features
- Renamed chat reasons to improve clarity for external users.
- Added logic to gracefully handle unknown payment types.
June 17, 2022
New features
- Account Accessed activity now shows whether the tax professional accessed a taxpayer’s full account or the limited overview.
Updated features
- All TTY/TDD references have been updated to direct callers to the California Relay Service at 711 or 800-735-2929.
- The link to FTB’s Privacy Notice has moved to the top of the page.
January 3, 2022
New features
- New Pass-Through Entity Elective Tax Payment displayed on the Payment History and the Estimate Payments pages for Business Entities.
- Option to view e-file return data in a text-only format.
Updated features
- Updated privacy and perjury language when adding a TIA client.
September 27, 2021
New features
- Tax professionals can receive email notification if a Power of Attorney (POA) or Taxpayer Information Authorization (TIA) relationship is revoked.
Updated features
- Improved process for tax professionals to maintain POA declarations.
- Clarified instructions for uploading documents.
- Changed the identification number displayed for some partnerships. Instead of always displaying the Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN), MyFTB will show the California Secretary of State (SOS) number or FTB issued number. If the partnership does not have either of these types of numbers, the FEIN will be displayed.
June 27, 2021
New features
- We have implemented Terms & Conditions for using MyFTB. You will be required to review and agree to these before accessing your account.
Updated features
- Proposed Assessment pages have been redesigned to simplify the process to submit or update a protest.
- Improved email and text notifications sent when contact information is updated in MyFTB. In addition, all of these emails will now be sent from “DoNotReply_FTB_Activity@ftb.ca.gov”.
- Updated table sorting to better organize the information provided. Tax Professionals will notice this on their Client List when they represent multiple members of a family.
January 4, 2021
New features
- Added Health Care Mandate penalties and subsidies to the account details for individual taxpayers
Updated features
- More types of business entity tax returns will be listed once we begin processing them
- Allow business entity client Tax Information Authorization (TIA) renewals up to 5 days before the expiration date (now matches individual clients)
- Clarified rules and messaging for updating a name in MyFTB
September 28, 2020
Updated features
- Automatically reject representative-submitted POA declarations after 90 days if the taxpayer does not approve the POA through MyFTB
- Redesigned branding on buttons for CalFile, Web Pay, Chat, and Send Secure Message
- Expanded the collections and filing enforcement notices available online
June 22, 2020
New feature
- While using Chat, you will now see when an FTB agent is typing a message
Updated features
- Provide a zero tax liability balance on the Business Accounting Detail page, when applicable
- Clarified error messaging
- Improved help files for clarity and accessibility
January 2, 2020
New features
- Form 568 tax returns will appear in MyFTB once we begin processing them
Updated features
- You may provide additional information when submitting a Quick Resolution Worksheet because you already filed the requested tax return
- Modified the Tax Information Authorization (TIA) renewal window to start 90 days before the relationship expires; TIAs can be renewed up to 5 days before the expiration date
- Updated information for filing Power of Attorney (POA) declarations for deceased taxpayers
September 30, 2019
Updated features
- The File a Nonresident Withholding Waiver Request (Form 588) service has been restored
- Representative names or identification numbers can no longer be updated on active POA declarations
- Improved help content, clearer language, and continued improvements to the look and feel
June 27, 2019
New features
- Significant updates to improve the look and feel of MyFTB
- Modifications to provide a mobile friendly experience
- The File a Nonresident Withholding Waiver Request (Form 588) service is currently unavailable. We expect to have it available by October 1, 2019
January 2, 2019
New features
- Tax professionals can request full online account access when adding a Tax Information Authorization (TIA) client online
- Taxpayers and tax professionals can request full online account access for a tax professional when a Power of Attorney (POA) declaration is submitted
October 1, 2018
New Features
- Taxpayers will be notified when the primary representative on a POA declaration has been changed
- We display your place in line when waiting for MyFTB Chat
- Tax professionals can manage some of the email notifications they receive from FTB
Updated Features
- All address changes are perfected to meet U.S. Postal Service standards to help ensure delivery of notices and correspondence to taxpayers
- Tax professionals can no longer provide additional names (e.g. business names) as part of their Contact Information
June 25, 2018
New Features
- For added security, tax professionals must obtain taxpayer authorization for Full Online Account Access (also referred to as Opt-In). When a relationship between a client and tax professional is approved, the tax professional receives limited online account access to their client's account information. Tax professionals must request full access and the client decides whether or not to authorize the request. For details about tax professional access and the Opt-In process, see MyFTB Tax Professional Online Account Access.
- Tax professionals can update multiple POA declarations at one time. Updates include the tax professional's email address, adding a representative from the associates list, removing representatives from a POA, and revoking POA relationships.
Updated Features
- Tax professional access to a client account is based on permissions of all active POA declarations for a client
- All relationships with a client are displayed on a new Taxpayer Relationship Detail. Online access information is also displayed on this page.
March 12, 2018
New Features
- POA declarations submitted by an individual taxpayer or business representative now immediately display on the Authorized Representative list
Updated Features
- Improved display of individual amended tax returns
- Improved entry of tax professional identification numbers so it is now consistent throughout MyFTB
- A variety of other maintenance changes made, including added security, clearer language, and improved help content
January 2, 2018
New Features
- When tax professionals login to MyFTB, they land on a new Tax Professional Overview page instead of their Client List page
- The Tax Professional Overview page provides alerts when POA declarations have been approved or rejected
- When a POA declaration or TIA relationship is rejected, MyFTB displays the reason
- Tax professionals can view a list of recently approved or rejected POA declarations
- Tax professionals can create and manage a list of professional associates to import into new and existing POA declarations
- We only process the new POA forms FTB 3520 PIT and FTB 3520 BE. We no longer process non-FTB POA or old FTB 3520 forms
- What's New link in the footer of MyFTB web pages to help you stay up to date with MyFTB changes
Updated Features
- Annual changes for tax year 2017
- Tax Preparer access type is now a TIA relationship type
- The Client List page is found via a link in the main navigation and in the Quick Links area on the Tax Professional Overview page
- POA Wizard updated to match the new POA forms and incorporate tax professional profile and the associates list functionality into the wizard
- The individual and business entity overview pages indicate Lien History instead of Liens Filed
- Updated the list of subjects you can choose from to send a secure message to us
September 23, 2017
New Features
- Individual taxpayers and their tax professionals with a POA declaration can request a 30-day deferral online for filing enforcement proposed assessments
- Tax professionals without a POA declaration can view notices and correspondence, proposed assessments, and messages sent to and from FTB in their client's MyFTB account
- Tax professionals can view, add, edit, and remove their professional contact and demographic information
June 24, 2017
Fixed Issues
- For affected individual taxpayers, their MyFTB balance due will no longer include credits that we cannot refund or apply. As a result, the balance due displayed in MyFTB will generally be accurate and should match the amount on a bill we issue to the taxpayer. Exceptions: The MyFTB balance can change if payments, interest, or penalties are subsequently applied.
- Fixed links to our Customer Service Dashboard
- Removed reference and links to the online Head of Household (HOH) Audit Response application. Beginning with tax year 2015, taxpayers are required to attach FTB 3532, Head of Household Filing Status Schedule, to their return when they claim the HOH filing status.