How do I get a copy of my state tax return?
You may be able to obtain a free copy of your California tax return. Go to MyFTB for information on how to register for your account.
You may also request a copy of your tax return by submitting a Request for Copy of Tax Return (Form FTB 3516) or written request.
For written requests, provide all of the following:
- Your name (and spouse if joint return) or business name
- Current address
- Phone number
- Your identification number such as a:
- Social security number
- California corporation ID
- Federal employer identification number
- Copies of personal income tax returns are available only for the last three and a half years.
- Copies of corporation, exempt organization, and limited liability company returns are only available for the last five years.
- Copies of partnership returns are available only for the last three and a half years from the original due date of the return.
- Address shown on last return filed
- Tax year(s) of returns requested
- Your signature, officer’s or authorized representative’s signature
- Business entities: include the title of the officer or trustee
- Mail your form or written request to:
- Data Storage Section
Franchise Tax Board
PO Box 1570
Rancho Cordova, CA 95741-1570
There is a $20.00 fee for each tax return year you request. There is no charge for a copy of your return if you're requesting a return for a tax year in which you were the victim of a designated California state disaster or federal disaster.
Include a check or money order for the total amount due, made out to the Franchise Tax Board.
It may take up to four weeks from the date of your request to receive a copy of your return.