Business opportunities and vendor resources Small Business and Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise (SB/DVBE)

Procurement and contracting opportunities

We appreciate your interest in finding procurement/contracting opportunities with us. Our Procurement Bureau obtains all the products and services we need to run our agency.

We advertise our formal procurements on DGS’ California State Contracts Register. Find contracting opportunities at Cal eProcure.

Small Business and Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise Advocate

We’re committed to offering procurement opportunities to small businesses (SB), including micro-businesses, and Disabled Veteran Business Enterprises (DVBE) whenever possible. Our SB/DVBE Advocate encourages bid opportunities for California certified SB/DVBE's and provides all SB/DVBE's with information on how to participate in such procurements with FTB.

Get more information about SB/DVBE Advocates from the California Department of General Services.

Contact the SB/DVBE advocate

The SB/DVBE advocate does not help with income taxes (business or personal).

Email the SB/DVBE Advocate
Weekdays 8 AM to 5 PM