Business entity ID number help
Updated guidelines for business entity ID numbers
Beginning in 2025, you will no longer need to specify the type of ID number you are using to register for MyFTB, add a business entity, or submit a Tax Information Authorization (TIA) for a business client. However, you will still need to provide the ID number that matches our records.
In general, you should use the ID number assigned to the business entity by the California Secretary of State (SOS). That number should remain unchanged if the entity changes their business type.
However, if the entity converted their business type prior to 2022, you should use the most recent number issued by the SOS.
If the business is not registered with the SOS, you should use the FTB-Issued ID number.
Federal Employer ID Number (FEIN)
You can no longer use a FEIN to register for MyFTB, add a business within MyFTB, or request a Tax Information Authorization (TIA) relationship. You must use an ID number issued by the State of California (SOS or FTB).