Secure Web Internet File Transfer (SWIFT) Guide for Resident, Nonresident, and Real Estate Withholding
Section 1: Introduction
Thank you for using Franchise Tax Board’s (FTB) Secure Web Internet File Transfer (SWIFT) protocol Swift is a quick and secure method to electronically batch transfer files to and retrieve files from FTB.
SWIFT allows users to securely transfer resident, nonresident, and real estate withholding information (Forms 592, 592-F, and 593) to multiple FTB programs through the Internet using HTTPS or FTPS. Our FTB Publication 1016, Real Estate Withholding Guidelines, and FTB Publication 1017, Resident and Nonresident Withholding Guidelines, provide guidance when the information is required.
Benefits of Using SWIFT
- Electronic Submission – Submit information electronically from Resident, Nonresident, and Real Estate Withholding Forms. (Forms 592, 592-F, and 593).
- Paperless Processing – We provide our customers the convenience of electronic forms processing.
- Proof of Receipt – We provide you an acknowledgement receipt.
- Opportunity to Correct Errors – We perform up-front validation on the file and notify you within the same day of errors that require correction. This allows you the opportunity to correct and resubmit as necessary.
- Secure Internet Transmission – We use the latest technology to ensure the security and privacy of all taxpayer data. We receive files through 128-bit Secure Socket Layer encryption.
This guide contains the following:
- Technical information required to prepare and transmit your completed withholding form information as data files through SWIFT, including:
- Data entry procedures.
- ERROR and WARNING code descriptions.
- Correction instructions.
This guide supplements and contains references to our SWIFT Transmitter User Guide, with details about SWIFT registration and use.
Section 2: Getting Started
- Call us at 916-845-3778 to obtain your SWIFT user ID and password.
- To FTB secure mailbox (the place you upload files for us to process).
- From FTB secure mailbox (the place we put files for you to retrieve).
For more information about registering for SWIFT and to request a user ID and password, go to Section 14 Connect With Us on Page 32.
Section 3: How to Prepare a Real Estate Withholding SWIFT File
Create and Save Your Data File
The file you submit must contain the same information you enter on the paper Form 593, Real Estate Withholding Tax Statement that you provide to each real estate seller.
Refer to Sections 5 through 8 for helpful hints and standard abbreviations to use to ensure your data is acceptable.
SWIFT submissions must include one file containing the withholding agent and seller information from all Forms 593 as we explain in Publication 1023R, Real Estate Withholding Electronic Submission Requirements.
File Format – We accept files in the Comma Delimited (CSV) format. Name the file with the name or business name of the withholding agent (e.g., johnsmithtitleco.csv).
Microsoft Excel users: Save the completed file of Form 593 information in the CSV format.
Paper Forms – Real Estate Escrow Persons (REEP) who use SWIFT to transmit real estate withholding information should not file a paper Form 593 with us. However, REEPs must notify the real estate sellers of tax withheld by providing them with copies of Forms 593 showing their withholding amounts.
Due Date – The due date for the SWIFT file submission and payment is the same as the due date for the paper Form 593 and payment, which is by the 20th day of the calendar month following the month escrow closes. See FTB Publication 1016, Real Estate Withholding Guidelines, for additional information.
To ensure timely processing, submit the file a few business days before the 20th day of the month.
Amended Forms – Do not use SWIFT to file amended form information. See Form 593 instructions on how to file amended forms.
Submit Your Payment
Once you transmit your file and we accept it, submit total withholding payment by one of the following options:
- Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT), which is our preferred method to receive payments.
- Mail your check or money order with a completed Form 593-V, Payment Voucher for Real Estate Withholding. Follow the voucher payment and mailing instructions.
Section 4: How to Prepare a Resident and Nonresident Withholding SWIFT File
Create and Save a SWIFT File
The SWIFT file you submit must contain the same information contained on the paper Form 592, Resident and Nonresident Withholding Statement, or Form 592-F, Foreign Partner or Member Annual Return.
Refer to Sections 5 through 8 for helpful hints and standard abbreviations used to ensure your data is acceptable.
SWIFT submissions must include one file containing the withholding agent and payee information from Forms 592 or 592-F, as we explain in Publication 1023S, Resident and Nonresident Withholding Electronic Submission Requirements.
File Format – We accept files in the CSV format. Name the file with the name or business name of the withholding agent (e.g., johnsmithagent.csv). Microsoft Excel users: Save the completed file of Form 592 or Form 592-F data in the CSV format.
Paper Forms – Withholding agents who use SWIFT to submit resident and nonresident withholding information should not file paper Forms 592 or 592-F with us. However, withholding agents must notify the payees of tax withheld by providing them with copies of Forms 592-B, Resident and Nonresident Withholding Tax Statement, showing annual California income and withholding amounts.
Due Date – The due date for the SWIFT file submission and payment is the same as the due date for paper Forms 592 and 592-F and payment. See FTB Publication 1017, Resident and Nonresident Withholding Guidelines, for additional information.
Amended Forms – Do not use SWIFT to file amended form information. See Form 592 and Form 592-F instructions on how to submit amended forms.
Submit Your Payment
Once you submit your file and we accept it, submit the total withholding payment by one of the following options:
- Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT), which is our preferred method to receive payments.
- Mail your check or money order with a completed voucher, Form 592-V, Payment Voucher for Resident and Nonresident Withholding when submitting Form 592; or with a completed voucher, Form 592-A, Payment Voucher for Foreign Partner or Member Withholding when submitting Form 592-F. Follow the voucher payment and mailing instructions.
Section 5: Data Entry Instructions
Use these guidelines to enter identification (ID) numbers and address information for Forms 592, 592-F, and 593. These guidelines supplement Publication 1023R, Real Estate Withholding Electronic Submission Requirements, and Publication 1023S, Resident and Nonresident Withholding Electronic Submission Requirements.
Follow these guidelines to prevent errors , which can result in a file rejection for correction, as we explain in Section 10 and Section 11.
Go to and search for SWIFT for examples of how to create a Microsoft Excel file.
General Instructions
- Omit punctuation or symbols, unless specifically allowed.
- Use only these symbols in the “Entity” and “Address” fields of the form:
- If a fraction is part of the street address, enter a forward slash (/).
- The symbols forward slash (/), hyphen/dash (-), period (.), comma (,), and number (#) are the only special characters allowed in the “Address” fields.
ID Number and ID Type
- Do not enter hyphens in the ID number.
- Social Security Number (SSN)
- Must contain nine numeric characters.
- First digit cannot be an 8.
- Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN)
- Must contain nine numeric characters.
- First digit must be a 9.
- Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN)
- Must contain nine numeric characters.
- California Corporation Number (CaCorp)
- Must contain seven numeric characters.
Address Fields
- Use the standard abbreviations in Section 6 for the street name suffix.
- Apply the standard abbreviations if the address exceeds the field length. If the address is still too long, truncate it.
- Enter PMB followed by the box number in the “Address Line 2” field if the taxpayer has a personal mail box. If the “Address Line 2” field contains other information, enter the PMB at the end of the “Address Line 1” field. Never truncate PMB information.
- Enter supplemental information, such as In Care of name or business name, in the “Address Line 2” field. Omit the notations c/o and ATTN.
- Use the standard two-letter abbreviation for the state or United States possession in the “State” field, as we show in Section 7.
Foreign Addresses
- Do not make an entry in the “State” or “ZIP Code” fields.
- Use specific foreign address rules for the following:
- Hong Kong - enter Hong Kong in the “City” field and China in the “Country” field.
- Singapore - enter Singapore in both the “City” and “Country” fields.
- Baja California - enter Mexico in the “Country” field.
- Canada - enter Canada in the “Country” field, followed by the province abbreviation, as we show in Section 7.
Section 6: Standard Abbreviations
Use the following standard abbreviations for the singular or plural forms of these words:
Name | Abbreviation |
Air Force Base | AFB |
America(n) | AMER |
And/& | / |
Annex | ANX |
Apartment Apartamento |
Associates Association |
Avenue Avenida |
AV |
Bank | BK |
Battalion | BTN |
Battery | BTRY |
Beach | BCH |
Boulevard | BL |
Box | BX |
Branch | BR |
Broadway | BRDWY |
Building | BLDG |
California | CALIF |
Caminita | CMNTA |
Caminito | CMNTO |
Camino | CMNO |
Canyon | CYN |
Causeway | CSWY |
Center | CTR |
Central | CTL |
Circle | CIR |
City | CY |
Coast | CST |
College | CLG |
Community | COMM |
Commonwealth | CMNWLTH |
Company | CO |
Convalescent | CONV |
Corporation | CORP |
Country | CNTRY |
County | CNTY |
Court | CT |
Crossing | |
Department | DEPT |
Division/Divide | DV |
Drive | DR |
East | E |
Estate | EST |
Expressway | EXPY |
Flat | FLT |
Floor | FL |
Fort | FT |
Freeway | FWY |
Garden | GDN |
Gateway | GTWY |
Grove | GRV |
Headquarters | HQ |
Heights | HTS |
Highland | HGLD |
Highway | HWY |
Hospital | HOSP |
Hotel | HTL |
Incorporated | INC |
Industry | IND |
International | INTL |
Island/Isle | IS |
Junction | JCT |
Lake | LK |
Lane | LN |
Lodge | LDG |
Loop | LP |
Lower | LWR |
Management | MGMT |
Manor | MNR |
Martin Luther King (JR) | M L KING |
Marine Corps Air Station | MCAS |
Medical | MED |
Memorial | MEM |
Mission | MSN |
Mobile | MBL |
Motel | MTL |
Mount | MT |
Mountain | MTN |
National | NAT |
Naval | NAV |
Naval Air Base | NAB |
Naval Air Station | NAS |
North | N |
Northeast | NE |
Northwest | NW |
Number/# | NO |
Pacific | PAC |
Park | PK |
Parkway | PKY |
Place | PL |
Plaza | PLZ |
Point | PT |
Post Office | PO |
Presidio | PRES |
Private Mail Box | PMB |
Ranch Rancho | RNCH |
River | RIV |
Road | RD |
Room | RM |
Rural Route | RR |
Saint/Sainte | ST |
San/Santo | SN |
School | SCH |
Service | SERV |
South | S |
Southeast | SE |
Southwest | SW |
Space | SP |
Space Flight Center | SFC |
Spring | SPG |
Squadron | SQD |
Square | SQ |
Station | STA |
Street | ST |
Suite | STE |
Taxpayer Unknown | TAXPAYER UNKNWN |
Terminal | TERM |
Terrace | TER |
Track | TRAK |
Trail | TRL |
Trailer | TRLR |
Trust | TR |
Unit/Union | UN |
University | UNIV |
Upper | UPR |
Valley | VLY |
Verdes | VRD |
View | VW |
Villa/Ville | VL |
Village | VLG |
Vista | VIS |
Walk | WK |
Walkway | WKWY |
Way | WY |
West Terminal | W TERM |
Section 7: Standard State Abbreviations and ZIP Code Ranges
Use the following standard abbreviations and ranges for states and ZIP codes:
State | Abbreviation | ZIP Code |
Alabama | AL | 350-369 |
Alaska | AK | 995-999 |
Arizona | AZ | 850-865 |
Arkansas | AR | 716-729 |
California | CA | 900-962 |
Colorado | CO | 800-816 |
Connecticut | CT | 060-069 |
Delaware | DE | 197-199 |
District of Columbia | DC | 200-205, 20799 |
Florida | FL | 320-349 |
Georgia | GA | 300-319, 398-399 |
Hawaii | HI | 967-968 |
Idaho | ID | 832-838 |
Illinois | IL | 600-629 |
Indiana | IN | 460-479 |
Iowa | IA | 500-528 |
Kansas | KS | 660-679 |
Kentucky | KY | 400-427 |
Louisiana | LA | 700-714 |
Maine | ME | 039-049 |
Maryland | MD | 20331, 20335-219 |
Massachusetts | MA | 010-027, 055n |
Michigan | MI | 480-499 |
Minnesota | MN | 550-567 |
Mississippi | MS | 386-397, 71233 |
Missouri | MO | 630-658 |
Montana | MT | 590-599 |
Nebraska | NE | 680-693 |
Nevada | NV | 889-898 |
New Hampshire | NH | 030-038 |
New Jersey | NJ | 070-089 |
New Mexico | NM | 870-884 |
New York | NY | 004, 005, 06390, 100-149 |
North Carolina | NC | 270-289 |
North Dakota | ND | 580-588 |
Ohio | OH | 430-459 |
Oklahoma | OK | 730-731, 734-749 |
Oregon | OR | 970-979 |
Pennsylvania | PA | 150-196 |
Rhode Island | RI | 028-029 |
South Carolina | SC | 290-299 |
South Dakota | SD | 570-577 |
Tennessee | TN | 370-385 |
Texas | TX | 733, 73949, 750-799, 885 |
Utah | UT | 840-847 |
Vermont | VT | 050-054, 056-059 |
Virginia | VA | 20040-201nn, 20301, 20370, 220-246 |
Washington | WA | 980-994 |
West Virginia | WV | 247-268 |
Wisconsin | WI | 49936, 530-549 |
Wyoming | WY | 820-831 |
Overseas Military Addresses (APO or FPO) | Abbreviation | ZIP Code |
Europe, Middle East, Africa, and Canada | AA | 340nn |
Americas (other than Canada) | AE | 090-098 |
Pacific | AP | 962-66 98700 |
United States Possessions | ABBR | ZIP Code |
American Samoa | AS | 96799 |
Federated States of Micronesia | FM | 96941-96944 |
Guam | GU | 969 |
Marshall Islands | MH | 96960, 96970 |
Northern Mariana Island | MP | 96950-96952 |
Palau | PW | 96940 |
Puerto Rico | PR | 006-007,009 |
Virgin Islands | VI | 008 |
Canadian Provinces | Abbreviation |
Alberta | AB |
British Columbia | BC |
Manitoba | MB |
New Brunswick | NB |
Newfoundland | NF |
Northwest Territories | NT |
Nova Scotia | NS |
Nunavut | NU |
Ontario | ON |
Prince Edward Island | PE |
Quebec | QC |
Saskatchewan | SK |
Yukon Territories | YT |
Section 8: California Counties Listing
Spell the following counties correctly when identifying real property transferred at escrow:
- Alameda
- Alpine
- Amador
- Butte
- Calaveras
- Colusa
- Contra Costa
- Del Norte
- El Dorado
- Fresno
- Glenn
- Humboldt
- Imperial
- Inyo
- Kern
- Kings
- Lake
- Lassen
- Los Angeles
- Madera
- Marin
- Mariposa
- Mendocino
- Merced
- Modoc
- Mono
- Monterey
- Napa
- Nevada
- Orange
- Placer
- Plumas
- Riverside
- Sacramento
- San Benito
- San Bernardino
- San Diego
- San Francisco
- San Joaquin
- San Luis Obispo
- San Mateo
- Santa Barbara
- Santa Clara
- Santa Cruz
- Shasta
- Sierra
- Siskiyou
- Solano
- Sonoma
- Stanislaus
- Sutter
- Tehama
- Trinity
- Tulare
- Tuolumne
- Ventura
- Yolo
- Yuba
Section 9: How to Transmit a Completed SWIFT File
After you create a file, it is ready to be transmitted to us using SWIFT. You must enter your user ID and password, as explained in Section 2.
Refer to the SWIFT Transmitter User Guide for details on how to log in and transmit files.
Transmission File Structure
As stated in Section 3, we accept files in the CSV format. Name the file with the name or business name of the withholding agent (e.g., johnsmithtitleco.csv).
Instructions for Microsoft Excel users:
- Enter all data into an Excel workbook and save the file in CSV format.
- Before you transmit the file to FTB, download the SWIFT Validator tool and check the file for missing or invalid data.
- Make corrections to the file within the Validator and resave it to your CSV file.
- To avoid erroneous number truncations that begin with zero, do not reopen the CSV file before you transmit the corrected file to us.
Receipt Response
Once you transmit the SWIFT file to us using your “ToFTB” mailbox, you receive a receipt in your “FromFTB” mailbox. The receipt contains your user ID, date and time the file arrived, and a serial number for reference purposes.
Once we provide your receipt, we begin a series of preprocessing edits on the data to ensure the file meets specifications. As we describe below, you receive an Acknowledgment (ACK) when the file has been preprocessed.
Refer to the SWIFT Transmitter User Guide for more details.
Section 10: ACK Response for Real Estate Withholding Files
Once we preprocess the file that allows us to check the file content by running up-front edits, you receive an ACK in your “FromFTB” mailbox detailing the specifics of the file. In addition, the ACK notifies you of ERRORS and WARNINGS.
The following examples show the types and content of the ACK text (.txt) files you may receive. See Section 12 for WARNING code details and instructions for correcting ERRORS.
Example #1: File ACCEPTED
In this example below, the file is accepted with no warnings.
ACKNOWLEDGMENT DATE: 08/24/2007 10:31:31 AM
FILE NAME: wsjohnsmithtitleco.johnsmithtitleco.5022221.csv
SWIFT ID: wsjohnsmithtitleco
ACCEPTED: The file you submitted has been ACCEPTED for processing.
Questions about the total amount withheld for this file, call Withholding Services and Compliance at 888-792-4900 or 916-845-4900.
Reminder: Real estate withholding payments are due the 20th of the month following the month the escrow closes.
The example above is defined as follows:
The first section contains your file’s processing details.
ACKNOWLEDGMENT DATE: 08/24/2007 10:31:31 AM
FILE NAME: wsjohnsmithtitleco.johnsmithtitleco.5022221.csv
SWIFT ID: wsjohnsmithtitleco
The second section contains the FTB telephone numbers to call for questions.
ACCEPTED: The file you submitted has been ACCEPTED for processing.
Questions about the total amount withheld for this file, call Withholding Services and Compliance at 888-792-4900 or 916-845-4900.
Reminder: Real estate withholding payments are due the 20th day of the calendar month following the month the escrow closes.
Example #2: File ACCEPTED – WARNINGS
In this example, the file is ACCEPTED.
However, we also provide informational WARNINGS indicating that certain information was not completed correctly. We made changes to the file and still ACCEPTED it, so corrections from you are not required. Call us at 888-792-4900 if you disagree with our changes.
See Section 12 for WARNING code details and instructions for correcting ERRORS.
PROCESSING DATE: 08/24/2007 10:31:31 AM
FILE NAME: wsjanedoetitleco.janedoetitleco.1340030.csv
SWIFT ID: wsjanedoetitleco
ACCEPTED WITH WARNINGS: The file you submitted has been ACCEPTED for processing. The file contained incomplete information. Refer to FTB Publication 923, SWIFT Guide for Resident, Nonresident, and Real Estate Withholding, for assistance. Call FTB at 888-792-4900 to correct any changes we made to the file.
Questions about the total amount withheld for this file, call Withholding Services and Compliance at 888-792-4900 or 916-845-4900.
Reminder: Real estate withholding payments are due the 20th of the month following the month the escrow closes.
(row#,col#): ErrorCode: ErrorType: ColumnName: Message
(4,2):221:WARNING:Tax Year:The required field value is empty. The “Tax Year” value of [2007] will be inferred from the “Closing Date.”
The example above is defined as follows:
The first section contains your file’s processing details.
PROCESSING DATE: 08/24/2007 10:31:31 AM
FILE NAME: wsjanedoetitleco.janedoetitleco.1340030.csv
SWIFT ID: wsjanedoetitleco
The second section contains WARNING information and the FTB telephone numbers to call for questions.
ACCEPTED WITH WARNINGS: The file you submitted has been ACCEPTED for processing. The file contained incomplete information. Refer to FTB Publication 923, SWIFT Guide for Resident, Nonresident, and Real Estate Withholding, for assistance. Call FTB at 888-792-4900 to correct any changes we made to the file.
Questions about the total amount withheld for this file, call Withholding Services and Compliance at: 888-792-4900 or 916-845-4900.
Reminder: Real estate withholding payments are due the 20th of the month following the month escrow closes.
WARNINGS: The Informational Header tells you how to find the ERRORS in your file by row and column with the following format:
(row#,col#): ErrorCode: ErrorType: ColumnName: Message
Following this header, we explain the WARNINGS that apply to your submitted file.
(4,2):221:WARNING:Tax Year:The required field value is empty. The “Tax Year” value of [2007] will be inferred from the “Closing Date.”
Example #3: File Rejected – ERRORS and WARNINGS
In this example, the file is rejected because we found ERRORS with the information you transmitted.
ERRORS must be corrected and the file retransmitted. The file is not considered complete until we send you an ACK with an acceptance. The file may also contain WARNINGS that you should review before you retransmit the file.
See Section 12 for ERROR and WARNING code details and instructions for correcting ERRORS.
PROCESSING DATE: 08/24/2007 10:31:31 AM
FILE NAME: wsjanedoetitleco.janedoetitleco.5265744.csv
SWIFT ID: wsjanedoetitleco
ERROR FOUND: The file you submitted contains ERRORS. Correct the ERRORS listed below and resubmit the file.
WARNINGS: The file also contained incomplete information. Review the WARNINGS below and correct the suggested changes.
This file is not considered complete until we issue an Acknowledgment that the file has been ACCEPTED. Refer to FTB Publication 923, SWIFT Guide for Resident, Nonresident, and Real Estate Withholding, for assistance, or call FTB at 888-792-4900.
(row#,col#): ErrorCode: ErrorType: ColumnName: Message
(2,4):12:ERROR:ID Type:The required field is empty.
(2,3):12:ERROR:ID Number:The required field is empty.
(2,5):522:ERROR:First Name:Neither “Individual” nor “Other” name fields were provided.
(3,18):11:WARNING: Income Type: The field is empty. Applying the default value [...].
The example above is defined as follows:
The first section contains your file’s processing details.
PROCESSING DATE: 08/24/2007 10:31:31 AM
FILE NAME: wsjanedoetitleco.janedoetitleco.5265744.csv
SWIFT ID: wsjanedoetitleco
The second section contains ERROR and WARNING information, and the FTB telephone numbers to call for questions.
ERROR FOUND: The file you submitted contains ERRORS. Please correct the ERRORS listed below and resubmit the file.
WARNINGS: The file also contained incomplete information. Please review the WARNINGS below and correct any changes we suggested.
This file is not considered complete until we issue an Acknowledgement that the file has been ACCEPTED. Refer to FTB Publication 923, SWIFT Guide for Resident, Nonresident, and Real Estate Withholding, for assistance, or call FTB at 888-792-4900.
ERRORS and WARNINGS: the Informational Header tells you how to find the ERRORS in your file by row and column with the following format:
(row#,col#): ErrorCode: ErrorType: ColumnName: Message
Following this header, we explain the ERRORS and WARNINGS that apply to your transmitted file.
(2,3):12:ERROR:ID Number:The required field is empty.
(2,5):522:ERROR:First Name:Neither “Individual” nor “Other” name fields were provided.
(3,18):11:WARNING: Income Type: The field is empty. Applying the default value [...].
Section 11: ACK Response for Resident and Nonresident Withholding Files
Once we preprocess the file that allows us to check the file content by running up-front edits, you receive an ACK in your “FromFTB” mailbox detailing the specifics of the file. In addition, the ACK notifies you of ERRORS and WARNINGS.
See Section 12 for WARNING code details and instructions to correct ERRORS.
The following examples show the types and content of the ACK text (.txt) files you may receive:
Example #1: File ACCEPTED
In this example, the file was ACCEPTED with no WARNINGS:
ACKNOWLEDGMENT DATE: 08/24/2007 10:31:31 AM
FILE NAME: wsjohnsmithagent.johnsmithagent.5022221.csv
SWIFT ID: wsjohnsmithagent
ACCEPTED: The file you submitted has been ACCEPTED for processing.
Questions about the total amount withheld for this file, call Withholding Services and Compliance at: 888-792-4900 or 916-845-4900.
The example above is defined as follows:
The first section contains your file’s processing details.
ACKNOWLEDGMENT DATE: 08/24/2007 10:31:31 AM
FILE NAME: wsjohnsmithagent.johnsmithagent.5022221.csv
SWIFT ID: wsjohnsmithagent
The second section contains the FTB telephone numbers to call for questions.
ACCEPTED: The file you submitted has been ACCEPTED for processing.
Questions about the total amount withheld for this file, call Withholding Services and Compliance at: 888-792-4900 or 916-845-4900.
Example #2: File ACCEPTED – WARNINGS
In this example, the file is ACCEPTED.
However, we also provide informational WARNINGS that certain information was not completed correctly. We still ACCEPTED the file and corrections are not required, but you may call us at 888-792-4900 if you disagree with our changes.
See Section 12 for WARNING code details and instructions for correcting ERRORS.
PROCESSING DATE: 08/24/2007 10:31:31 AM
FILE NAME: wsjanedoeagent.janedoeagent.1340030.csv
SWIFT ID: wsjanedoeagent
ACCEPTED WITH WARNINGS: The file you submitted has been ACCEPTED for processing. The file contained incomplete information. Refer to FTB Publication 923, SWIFT Guide for Resident, Nonresident, and Real Estate Withholding, for assistance. Call FTB at 888-792-4900 to correct any changes we made to the file.
To correct any changes made by FTB or if you have questions about the total amount withheld for this file, call Withholding Services and Compliance at: 888-792-4900 or 916-845-4900.
(3, 18):11:WARNING: Income Type: The field is empty. Applying the default value […].
The example above is defined as follows:
The first section contains your file’s processing details.
PROCESSING DATE: 08/24/2007 10:31:31 AM
FILE NAME: wsjanedoeagent.janedoeagent.1340030.csv
SWIFT ID: wsjanedoeagent
The second section contains the FTB telephone numbers to call for questions.
ACCEPTED WITH WARNINGS: The file you submitted has been ACCEPTED for processing. The file contained incomplete information. Refer to FTB Publication 923, SWIFT Guide for Resident, Nonresident, and Real Estate Withholding, for assistance.
To correct any changes made by FTB or if you have questions about the total amount withheld for this file, call Withholding Services and Compliance at: 888-792-4900 or 916-845-4900.
WARNINGS: The Informational Header tells you how to find the ERRORS in your file by row and column with the following format:
(row#,col#): ErrorCode: ErrorType: ColumnName: Message
Following this header, we explain the WARNINGS that apply to your transmitted file:
(3,18):11:WARNING: The field is empty. Applying the default value […].
Example #3: File Rejected – ERRORS and WARNINGS
In this example, the file is rejected because we found ERRORS in it.
The ERRORS must be corrected and the file retransmitted. The file is not considered complete until we send an ACK with an acceptance. The file may also contain WARNINGS that you should review before you retransmit it.
See Section 12 for ERROR and WARNING code details and instructions for correcting ERRORS.
PROCESSING DATE: 08/24/2007 10:31:31 AM
FILE NAME: wsjanedoeagent.janedoeagent.5265744.csv
SWIFT ID: wsjanedoeagent
ERROR FOUND: The file you submitted contains ERRORS. Please correct the
ERRORS listed below and resubmit the file.
WARNINGS: The file also contained incomplete information. Please review the
WARNINGS below and correct any changes we suggested.
This file is not considered complete until we issue an Acknowledgment that the file has been ACCEPTED. Refer to FTB Publication 923, SWIFT Guide for Resident, Nonresident, and Real Estate Withholding, for assistance, or call FTB at 888-792-4900.
(row#,col#): ErrorCode: ErrorType: ColumnName: Message
(2,4):12:ERROR:ID Type:The required field is empty.
(2,3):12:ERROR:ID Number:The required field is empty.
(2,5):522:ERROR:First Name:Neither “Individual” nor “Other” name fields were provided. WARNINGS:
(3,18):11:WARNING: Income Type: The field is empty. Applying the default value [...].
The example above is defined as follows:
The first section contains your file’s processing details.
PROCESSING DATE: 08/24/2007 10:31:31 AM
FILE NAME: wsjanedoeagent.janedoeagent.5265744.csv
SWIFT ID: wsjanedoeagent
The second section contains ERROR and WARNING information, and the FTB telephone numbers to call for questions.
ERROR FOUND: The file you submitted contains ERRORS. Please correct the ERRORS listed below and resubmit the file.
WARNINGS: The file also contained incomplete information. Please review the WARNINGS below and correct any changes we suggested.
This file is not considered complete until we issue an Acknowledgment that the file has been ACCEPTED. Refer to FTB Publication 923, SWIFT Guide for Resident, Nonresident, and Real Estate Withholding, for assistance, or call FTB at 888-792-4900.
Questions about the total amount withheld for this file, call Withholding Services and Compliance at: 888-792-4900 or 916-845-4900.
ERRORS and WARNINGS: The Informational Header tells you how to find the ERRORS in your file by row and column with the following format:
(row#,col#): ErrorCode: ErrorType: ColumnName: Message
Following this header, we explain the ERRORS and WARNINGS that apply to your submitted file:
(2,4) 12:ERROR:ID Type:The required field is empty.
(2,3):12:ERROR:ID Number:The required field is empty.
(2,5):522:ERROR:First Name:Neither “Individual” nor “Other” name fields were provided.
(3,18):11:WARNING: Income Type: The field is empty. Applying the default value […].
Section 12: ERROR Codes and WARNING Messages
ERROR Code Messages
If your file contains errors, you will receive a rejected ACK. The ACK contains specific information to help you determine where an ERROR occurred in the file you transmitted. It includes data that defines the row and column number of your file, ERROR code, type of ERROR, and ERROR message. To help avoid rejected files, review the chart below for a list of ERROR codes and WARNING messages. The list also contains details about how to correct ERRORS we identified in your ACK.
You must correct ERRORS before we ACCEPT the file for processing. Once you correct any ERRORS, retransmit the entire file to us using your SWIFT account, as explained in Section 9. We will not consider your file complete and filed until we send an ACK with an acceptance of your file.
WARNING Messages
WARNING messages provide additional information that certain data in the fields have been changed to meet data requirements. It is not necessary to correct WARNING messages to receive an ACK with an acceptance of your file. However, review the WARNING messages you receive to ensure the change did not impact the accuracy of the data. Call us at 888-792-4900 if you have questions.
Section 13: ERROR Codes and WARNING Messages Description and Corrections
When you review and correct ERROR and WARNING messages, refer to Publication 1023R, Real Estate Withholding Electronic Submission Requirements, and Publication 1023S, Resident and Nonresident Withholding Electronic Submission Requirements, for details regarding the data formatting requirements.
Example: Your ACK will contain the layout below as we show in Section 10 or Section 11 to help you locate the ERRORS and/or WARNINGS in your file:
(row#,col#): | ErrorCode | ErrorType | ColumnName | Message |
(2,4): | 12: | ERROR: | ID Type: | The required field is empty. |
(4,3): | 322: | ERROR: | ID Number: | The field 'ID Number' is empty, so the value of the 'ID Type' field [….] must also be blank. |
- You must correct ERRORS before we ACCEPT the file for processing. Review the WARNINGS and contact us if corrections are needed.
- […] in the Message denotes information that we will complete with data from the file you submitted.
Error Code | Type | Field/Column Name | Message Description | Correction |
1 | WARNING | Can apply to multiple | The field value [...] does not meet the field specification length of [...] and has been truncated to [...].
Example: The field value [Rumpelstiltskin] does not meet the field specification length of [11] and has been truncated to [rumpelstilt]. |
Certain fields have specifications as we show in Pub. 1023R or Pub. 1023S. In this example, the “First Name” field value should not exceed 11 characters. We shortened the field value to the required maximum characters. |
2 | ERROR | Can apply to multiple | The field value [...] does not meet the field specification format.
Example: The field value [john7] does not meet the field specification format. |
Certain fields have specifications as we show in Pub. 1023R or Pub. 1023S. In this example, the “First Name” field value must be alpha only. Correct the data as appropriate (ex. John). |
3 | ERROR | Can apply to multiple | The field value [...] does not meet the field specification. Please check the field length and format.
Example: The field value [20088] does not meet the field specification. Please check the field length and format. |
Certain fields have specifications as we show in Pub. 1023R or Pub. 1023S. In this example, the “Tax Year” field must not be more than four characters. Correct the entry as appropriate (ex. 2008). |
4 | WARNING | Can apply to multiple | The field value [...] is not in the list of accepted values, and will be ignored. Please check the list of accepted values.
Example: The field value [XX] is not in the list of accepted values, and will be ignored. Please check the list of accepted values. |
Certain fields have specific allowed values as we show in Sections 6 through 8. In this example, the “State” field has data (XX) that is not recognized as a state or U.S. territory. If address is foreign leave this field blank. Check your entry against acceptable state values in Section 7 (CA, etc.). |
5 | WARNING | Can apply to multiple | The field value [...] is not in the list of accepted values, so the default value of [...] will be used instead. Please check the list of accepted values.
Example: The field value [slipper] is not in the list of accepted values, so the default value of [sale] will be used instead. Please check the list of accepted values. |
Certain fields have specific allowed values as we show in Sections 6 through 8. In this example, the “Transaction Type” field has data (slipper) that is not recognized. Check your entry against the acceptable transaction type values in Pub. 1023R. (Sale, Installment, Boot, or Exchange). |
6 | WARNING | Can apply to multiple | The field value [...] is not in the list of accepted values, but the value [...] appears similar and will be used instead. Please check the list of accepted values.
Real Estate Example: The field value [Sn Diego] is not in the list of accepted values, but the value [San Diego] appears similar and will be used instead. Please check the list of accepted values. Nonresident Example: The field value [Trst] is not in the list of accepted values, but the value [Trust] appears similar and will be used instead. Please check the list of accepted values. |
Certain fields have specific allowed values as we show in Sections 6 through 8. In the real estate example, the “County” field has data [Sn Diego] that is not recognized as a county. In the nonresident example, the “Income Type” field has data [Trst] that is not recognized as an income type. Check your entry against the acceptable county values as we show in Section 8, or the acceptable income type values as we show in Pub. 1023S |
11 | WARNING | Can apply to multiple | The field is empty. Applying the default value [...].
Example: The field value is empty. Applying the default value of [Sale]. |
Certain fields have specific allowed values as we show in Sections 6 through 8. In this example, the Transaction Type” field has no data. Check your entry against the acceptable transaction type values in Pub. 1023R (Sale, Installment, Boot, or Exchange). |
12 | ERROR | Can apply to multiple | The required field is empty. | You may get this message if a field is empty and we are unable to apply a default value. For example, the “ID Number” field is a required field for the withholding agent information. To correct the file, add the ID number to the file. |
90 | ERROR | Can apply to multiple | Real Estate: The number of columns in the file, [...], is less than the 30 required columns.
Nonresident: The number of columns in the file, […], is less than the 28 required columns. Real Estate Example: The number of columns in the file, [25], is less than the 30 required columns. Nonresident Example: The number of columns in the file, [25], is less than the 28 required columns. |
Verify the file has all the required columns of data. Add the appropriate column(s) and data. |
91 | ERROR | Can apply to multiple | Real Estate: The number of columns in the file, [...], is greater than the 30 required columns.
Nonresident: The number of columns in the file, […], is greater than the 28 required columns. Real Estate Example: The number of columns in the file, [33], is greater than the 30 required columns. Nonresident Example: The number of columns in the file, [33], is greater than the 28 required columns. |
Verify the file has all the required columns of data. Remove any excess column(s), including hidden columns. |
92 | ERROR | Can apply to multiple | Unexpected data was entered on the withholding agent line. Enter tax form data beginning at line 3 of the file. | Verify that line contains only withholding agent information. Line 2 should not contain any information related to a seller of real estate or payee that received nonresident income (e.g., Parcel Number, Closing Date, Income Type, etc.). Remove any of this data. |
93 | ERROR | Can apply to multiple | The column header [...] is different from the expected column header [...].
Example: The column header [ID] is different from the expected column header [ID Type]. |
Change the name of the identified column to match the column name in Pub. 1023R or 1023S. In this example, change the column name to “ID Type.” |
94 | ERROR | Can apply to multiple | Not enough data was submitted for processing. The file must contain one row of withholding agent data and a minimum of one row of taxpayer data. | Add the necessary withholding agent data and/or at least one row of real estate seller data or nonresident payee data. |
95 | ERROR | Can apply to multiple | The file does not contain any data. | Add the necessary withholding agent data and at least one row of real estate seller data or nonresident payee data. |
96 | ERROR | Can apply to multiple | The balance due amount of […] exceeds 9,999,999,999.99. Please check the values of the field “Amount Withheld.”
Example: The balance due amount of [10,000,000,000.00] exceeds 9,999,999,999.99. Please check the values of the field “Amount Withheld.” |
Verify that all the values in the “Amount Withheld” field match the actual amounts withheld during each real estate transaction. |
221 | WARNING | Tax Year | The required field value is empty. The “Tax Year” value of [...] will be inferred from the “Closing Date.”
Example: The required field value is empty. The “Tax Year” value of [2008] will be inferred from the “Closing Date.” |
Make sure the “Tax Year” is the same as the year of the “Closing Date” for all sellers you list in the file. Each file allows only one tax year. |
222 | WARNING | Tax Year | The required field value is empty. The “Tax Year” value of […] will be inferred from the first Tax Year record.
Example: The required field value is empty. The “Tax Year” value of [2008] will be inferred from the first Tax Year record. |
Make sure the “Tax Year” is the same for all payees you list in the file. |
251 | ERROR | Tax Year | The field value [...] is not consistent with prior records that indicate a “Tax Year” of [...].
Example: The field value [2007] is not consistent with prior records that indicate a “Tax Year” of [2008]. |
Each file may contain only one tax year. Transmit separate files if you need to transmit data for more than one tax year. |
252 | WARNING | Tax Year | The field value [...] is invalid, so the value of the “Tax Year” field will be changed from […] to […].
Example: The field value [200B] is invalid, so the value of the “Tax Year” field will be changed from [200B] to [2008]. |
Enter the four-digit year when the amount was withheld. Use numeric characters only. Format the “Tax Year” as we show in Pub. 1023S. Each file allows only one tax year. |
321 | ERROR | ID TYPE | The field “ID Number” must be 9 digits when the “ID Type” is SSN/ITIN, TPID, or FEIN, 7 digits when CACORP. | Include a valid ID Number to have a valid ID Type. |
322 | ERROR | ID TYPE | The field “ID Number” is empty, so the value of the “ID Type” field [...] must also be blank. | You must include a valid ID Number to have an ID Type. If you do not know the ID number, leave both fields blank. |
405 | ERROR | ID Type | The field value […] is an unaccepted value. Check the list of accepted values. | ID Type must be SSN, ITIN, FEIN, CA SOS. |
406 | WARNING | Spouse/RDP ID Type | The field value […] is not in the list of accepted values, but the value […] appears similar and will be used instead. Please check the list of accepted values. | ID Type must be SSN, ITIN, FEIN, CA SOS. |
412 | ERROR | ID TYPE | The required field is empty. | ID Type must be SSN, ITIN, FEIN, CA SOS. |
521 | ERROR | First Name | Both “Individual” and “Other” name fields were provided. | In the file, include data in only “Individual” or “Other” name fields, but not both. Check the names and delete one or the other. |
522 | ERROR | First Name | Neither “Individual” nor “Other” name fields were provided. | Either an “Individual” or “Other” name must be provided. |
523 | ERROR | First Name | The field “First Name” cannot be empty when an individual name is inferred. | If you include “Last Name” data in the file for the seller, payee, or withholding agent, then you must also include “First Name” data for the same seller, payee, or withholding agent. Add the first name as appropriate. |
524 | ERROR | First Name | The field “Last Name” cannot be empty when an individual name is inferred. | If you include “First Name” data in the file for the seller, payee, or withholding agent, then you must also include “Last Name” data for the same seller, payee, or withholding agent. Add the last name as appropriate. |
525 | WARNING | First Name | The field “Other Name Line 1” was empty, but the field “Other Name Line 2” contained a value. | Use the “Other Name Line 2” field only if the name doesn’t fit in “Other Name Line 1.” |
526 | ERROR | ID Type | The field “ID Type” cannot be a FEIN, CACORP, or SOSL when an individual name is entered. | If you include “First Name” or “Last Name” data in the file for the seller, payee, or withholding agent, then the “ID Type” for that entity must be SSN or ITIN. |
527 | ERROR | ID Type | The field “ID Type” should be FEIN, CACORP, or CASOS when “Other Name Line 1” or “Other Name Line 2” is entered. | If you include “Other Name Line 1” or “Other Name Line 2” data in the file for the seller, payee, or withholding agent, then the “ID Type” must be FEIN, CA CORP, or CASOS for that seller, payee, or withholding agent. Other Name lines 1 & 2 are used for entity names only. (e.g. Business, LLC, Non-grantor Trust, Partnership) An entity does not have a SSN, Entities have one or more of the following ID types, FEIN, CACORP, or CASOS. |
528 | ERROR | ID Type | The field “ID Type” cannot be an SSN when the name infers a Trust. | If the data in the “Other Name Line 1” or “Other Name Line 2” infers a Trust (i.e., the word “trust” is in the name), then the “ID Type” must be a FEIN, CACORP or CASOS. |
1021 | ERROR | Spouse/RDP ID Number | The field “Spouse/RDP ID Number” must be 9 digits when the “Spouse/RDP ID Type” is SSN/ITIN. | Spouse/RDP ID number must contain 9 digits if SSN or ITIN is provided. |
1111 | WARNING | Spouse/RDP ID Type | The field is empty. Applying the default value [None]. | If no spouse/RDP is entered, this field should be blank. |
1223 | ERROR | Spouse/RDP First Name | The field “Spouse/RDP First Name” cannot be empty when the “Spouse/RDP Last Name” field has a value. | If you include “Spouse/RDP First Name” data in the file for the seller, then you must include “Spouse/RDP Last Name” data for the same seller. Add the first name of the Spouse/RDP in the “Spouse/RDP First Name” field. |
1224 | ERROR | Spouse/RDP First Name | The field “Spouse/RDP Last Name” cannot be empty when the “Spouse/RDP First Name” field has a value. | If you include “Spouse/RDP Last Name” data in the file for the seller, then you must include “Spouse/RDP Last Name” data for the same seller. Add the last name of the Spouse/RDP in the “Spouse/RDP Last Name” field. |
1226 | WARNING | Spouse/RDP ID Type | The field “Spouse/RDP ID Type” must be SSN, ITIN, or remain blank. | Spouse/RDP ID Type can only be SSN or ITIN. If no spouse/RDP is entered, this field should remain blank. |
1304 | ERROR | State | The field value […] is an unaccepted value. Check the list of accepted values. | State field value must contain a U.S. domestic state or remain blank if address is foreign. |
1611 | WARNING | Country | The field is empty. Applying the default value [USA]. | Verify the country and call us at 888-792-4900 to make corrections. |
1704 | ERROR | Domestic Quarter | The field value […] is an unaccepted value. Check the list of accepted values. | Each file may contain only one Domestic Quarter. Acceptable Domestic Quarter field values are 1, 2, 3, or 4. |
1821 | ERROR | Income Type | The entries in the fields “Income Type” contain both domestic and foreign income types. | Each file may contain only one income type, domestic or foreign. If you need to submit data for both income types you must submit them on two separate files. |
1922 | ERROR | Income Subject to Withholding | The total “Income Subject to Withholding” amount of [...] exceeds 9,999,999,999.99. Please check the values of that field.
Example: The total “Income Subject to Withholding” amount of [10,000,000,000.00] exceeds 9,999,999,999.99. Please check the values of that field. |
Verify that all the values in the referenced field are the amounts intended for the file. |
2003 | ERROR | Amount Withheld | The field value [0.000] does not meet the field specification. Please check the field length and format. | Verify that all the values in the referenced field are the amounts intended for the file. |
2021 | ERROR | Amount Withheld | The field “Amount Withheld” contains a zero dollar amount. | The field “Amount Withheld” cannot contain a zero dollar amount. If no tax was withheld, remove the payee from the file. If tax was withheld, then add the tax withheld amount. |
2022 | ERROR | Amount Withheld | The total “Amount Withheld” of [...] exceeds 9,999,999,999.99. Please check the values in that field.
Example: The total “Amount Withheld” of [10,000,000,000.00] exceeds 9,999,999,999.99. Please check the values of that field. |
Verify that all the values in the referenced field are the amounts intended for the file. |
2221 | ERROR | Parcel Number | Neither the “Parcel Number” nor the “Property Address” fields were provided. | Include either the “Parcel Number” or “Property Address” for each sale. Add one or the other to the file. |
2421 | WARNING | Foreign Balance Due | The […] amount in the “Foreign Balance Due” field does not match our calculation of […] and the “Foreign Balance Due” has been changed to […].
Example: The [$2,000] amount in the “Foreign Balance Due” field does not match our calculation of [$1,000] and the “Foreign Balance Due” has been changed to [$1,000]. |
We compared the entry for this field to the amount calculated from our records. Since the amounts do not match, we replaced the entry provided with the amount we calculated based on our records. Verify your records for the amount and call us at 888-792-4900 to make corrections. |
2521 | WARNING | Foreign Overpayment | The […] amount in the “Foreign Overpayment” field does not match our calculation of […] and the “Foreign Overpayment” has been changed to […].
Example: The [$2,000] amount in the “Foreign Overpayment” field does not match our calculation of [$1,000] and the “Foreign Overpayment” has been changed to [$1,000]. |
We compared the entry for this field to the amount calculated from our records. Since the amounts do not match, we replaced the entry provided with the amount we calculated based on our records. Verify your records for the amount and call us at 888-792-4900 to make corrections. |
2522 | ERROR | Foreign Overpayment | The field “Foreign Overpayment” cannot contain an amount when “Foreign Balance Due” contains an amount. | The file cannot contain both a “Foreign Balance Due” and “Foreign Overpayment.” Verify your records and correct the file as appropriate. |
2621 | WARNING | Foreign Credit to Next Year | The […] amount in the “Foreign Credit to Next Year” field exceeds the calculated “Foreign Overpayment” of […], and the “Foreign Credit to Next Year” has been changed to […].
Example: The [$1,000] amount in the “Foreign Credit to Next Year” field exceeds the calculated “Foreign Overpayment” of [$800], and the “Foreign Credit to Next Year” has been changed to [$800]. |
In this example, the system calculated “Foreign Overpayment” is less than the entry in “Foreign Credit to Next Year.” As a result, we decreased the “Foreign Credit to Next Year” to match the available amount we calculated. Verify your records for the amounts and call us at 888-792-4900 to make corrections. |
2622 | WARNING | Foreign Credit to Next Year | The calculated “Foreign Overpayment” amount of […] exceeds the “Foreign Credit to Next Year” field of […], and the “Foreign Credit to Next Year” has been changed to […].
Example: The calculated “Foreign Overpayment” amount of [$1,000] exceeds the “Foreign Credit to Next Year” field of [$800], and the “Foreign Credit to Next Year” has been changed to [$1,000]. |
In this example, the agent had no “Foreign Refund” specified in their file and all of their foreign overpayment had to be credited to the next year. In this case, we increased the “Foreign Credit to Next Year” to match the available amount we calculated. Verify your records for the amounts and call us at 888-792-4900 to make changes. |
2623 | ERROR | Foreign Credit to Next Year | The field “Foreign Credit to Next Year” cannot contain an amount when the “Foreign Balance Due” contains an amount. | If the file contains an entry in “Foreign Balance Due,” then the file cannot contain an entry in “Foreign Credit to Next Year” because according to the file, there is no “Foreign Overpayment” to allow a credit on the account. |
2721 | ERROR | Closing Date | The tax year [...] of the “Closing Date” field is not consistent with the value [...] of the “Tax Year” field.
Example: The tax year [2007] of the “Closing Date” field is not consistent with the value [2008] of the “Tax Year” field. |
The Tax Year should always match the year of the closing date. Verify the closing date and ensure the tax year matches. Each file may contain only one tax year. Transmit separate files if you need to submit data for more than one tax year. |
2722 | ERROR | Closing Date | The field “Closing Date” contains an invalid date [...].
Example: The field “Closing Date” contains an invalid date [02/31/2007]. |
Include a valid month, day, and year in the “Closing Date” field. For example, February contains only 28 days (29 in a leap year). Verify the closing date and change as appropriate. |
2723 | WARNING | Foreign Refund | The “Foreign Refund” field of […] exceeds the calculated “Foreign Refund” of […], and the “Foreign Refund” has been changed to […].
Example: The “Foreign Refund” field of [$1,000] exceeds the calculated “Foreign Refund” of [$800], and the “Foreign Refund” has been changed to [$800]. |
In this example, the system calculated “Foreign Refund” is less than the “Foreign Refund” specified in the file. The “Foreign Refund” has been changed to match our calculations. In this example, the agent gets a smaller refund than anticipated. Verify your records for the amounts and call us at 888-792-4900 to make corrections. |
2724 | WARNING | Foreign Refund | The calculated “Foreign Refund” amount of […] exceeds the “Foreign Refund” field of […], and the “Foreign Refund” has been changed to […].
Example: The calculated “Foreign Refund” amount of [$1,000] exceeds the “Foreign Refund” field of [$800], and the “Foreign Refund” has been changed to [$1,000]. |
In this example, the system-calculated “Foreign Refund” is more than the “Foreign Refund” specified in the file. The “Foreign Refund” has been changed to match our calculations. In this example, the agent gets a larger refund as a result of our calculations. Verify your records for the amounts and call us at 888-792-4900 to make corrections. |
2725 | ERROR | Foreign Refund | The field “Foreign Refund” cannot contain an amount when the “Foreign Balance Due” contains an amount. | If the file contains an entry in “Foreign Balance Due,” then the file cannot contain an entry in “Foreign Refund” because according to the file there is no “Foreign Overpayment” to allow a refund to be issued on the account. |
2905 | WARNING | Withholding Calculation | The field value of [ ] is not in the list of accepted values, so we use the default value of [.0333] instead. Check the list of accepted values. | Enter one of the accepted values as described in Pub. 1023S. |
3021 | WARNING | Amount Withheld | The field “Amount Withheld” cannot contain a zero dollar amount. If no tax was withheld remove the payee from the file. | Form 593 is filed when withholding was done for a seller. If tax was withheld, enter the tax withheld amount. |
Section 14: Connect With Us
For SWIFT technical assistance (user ID and password issues), refer to SWIFT frequently asked questions or call 916-845-3778.
- Phone
- 888-792-4900 from 8 AM to 5 PM weekdays, except state holidays
- 916-845-4900 from outside the United States