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You can order the following forms by phone:

  • 2024, 2023, and 2022 California Personal Income Tax Forms and Publications
  • Current year Business Entity Tax Forms and Publications

To order forms by phone, call 800-338-0505.

Follow the recorded instructions, and enter the 3 digit code listed below for the form you are requesting to be mailed to you.

We will send you 2 copies of each tax form and 1 copy of each set of instructions. Please allow 10-15 working days to receive your forms.

If you live outside California, please allow three weeks to receive your order.

Personal income tax forms and publications

Code Form or Publication
900 540 California Resident Income Tax Booklet:
  • Form 540 - California Resident Income Tax Return
  • Schedule CA (540) - California Adjustments - Residents
  • Schedule D (540) - California Capital Gain or Loss Adjustment
  • FTB 3514 - California Earned Income Tax Credit
  • FTB 3519 - Payment Voucher for Automatic Extension for Individuals
  • FTB 3532 - Head of Household Filing Status Schedule
965 540 2EZ Tax Booklet:
  • 540 2EZ - California Resident Income Tax Return
  • Form FTB 3514 - California Earned Income Tax Credit
565 540 2EZ - Folleto de Impuesto
969 540ADA - Large Print Resident Booklet
907 540ES - Estimated Tax for Individuals
903 Schedules:
  • Schedule CA (540) - California Adjustments - Residents
  • Schedule D (540) - California Capital Gain or Loss Adjustment
  • FTB 3885A - Depreciation and Amortization Adjustments
909 Schedule D-1 - Sales of Business Property
910 Schedule G-1 - Tax on Lump-Sum Distributions
911 Schedule P (540) - Alternative Minimum Tax and Credit Limitations - Residents
914 540NR California Nonresident Income Tax Booklet:
  • Form 540NR - California Nonresident or Part-Year Resident Income Tax Return
  • Schedule CA (540NR) - California Adjustments – Nonresidents or Part-Year Residents
  • Schedule D (540NR) - California Capital Gain or Loss Adjustment
  • FTB 3519 - Payment Voucher for Automatic Extension for Individuals
  • FTB 3514 - California Earned Income Tax Credit
  • FTB 3532 - Head of Household Filing Status Schedule
917 Schedule CA (540NR) - California Adjustments — Nonresidents or Part-Year Residents
918 Schedule P (540NR) - Alternative Minimum Tax and Credit Limitations - Nonresidents or Part-Year Residents 
913 Schedule S - Other State Tax Credit 
908 Schedule X - California Explanation of Amended Return Changes
936 Form 565 - California Partnership Return of Income Booklet
919 FTB Pub. 1001, Supplemental Guidelines to California Adjustments
920 FTB Pub. 1005 - Pension and Annuity Guidelines
945 FTB Pub. 1006 - California Tax Forms and Related Federal Forms
946 FTB Pub. 1008 - Federal Tax Adjustments and Your Notification Responsibilities to California
941 FTB Pub. 1031 - Guidelines for Determining Resident Status
942 FTB Pub. 1032 - Tax Information for Military Personnel
934 FTB Pub. 1540 - California Head of Household Filing Status Information
534 FTB Pub. 1540SP - Estado Civil de Cabeza de Familia de California
932 FTB 3506 - Child and Dependent Care Expenses Credit
938 FTB 3514 - California Earned Income Tax Credit
538 FTB 3514SP - Crédito Tributario por Ingreso del Trabajo de California
937 FTB 3516 - Request for Copy of Personal Income Tax, Fiduciary, Bank & Corporation, Partnership, or Limited Liability Company Return
921 FTB 3519 - Payment Voucher for Automatic Extension for Individuals
521 FTB 3519SP - Pago por la Extensión Automática para Individuos
922 FTB 3525 - Substitute W-2 Statement or 1099-R
522 FTB 3525SP - Sustituto para el Formulario W-2, Declaración de Salarios e Impuestos
923 FTB 3526 - Investment Interest Expense Deduction
939 FTB 3532 - Head of Household Filing Status Schedule
539 FTB 3532SP - Anexo Para el Estado Civil de Cabeza de Familia California
940 FTB 3540 - Credit Carryover Summary
949 FTB 3567 - Installment Agreement Request
924 FTB 3800 - Tax Computation for Children Under Age 14 with Investment Income
929 FTB 3801 - Passive Activity Loss Limitations
925 FTB 3805E - Installment Sale Income
928 FTB 3805P - Additional Taxes on Qualified Plans (Including IRA's) and Other Tax-Favored Accounts
926 FTB 3805V - Net Operating Loss and Disaster Loss Limitations - Individuals, Estates, Trusts
943 FTB 4058 - California Taxpayers' Bill of Rights: A Guide for Taxpayers
543 FTB 4058SP - Declaración de Derechos de los Contribuyentes de California
944 FTB 4058C - California Taxpayer's Bill of Rights, An Overview
544 FTB 4058CSP - Declaracion de Derechos de los Contribuyentes de California, Vision General
927 FTB 5805 - Underpayment of Estimated Tax by Individuals and Fiduciaries
904 Form 541 - California Fiduciary Income Tax Return
905 Schedule K-1 (541) - Beneficiary’s Share of Income, Deductions, Credits, etc.
906 Form 541-ES - Estimated Tax for Fiduciaries
947 Form 737 - Tax Information for Registered Domestic Partners

Business entity tax forms and publications

Code Form or publication
817 100 Booklet Corporation Income Tax:
  • Form 100 - California Corporation Franchise or Income Tax Return
  • Schedule H (100) - Dividend Income Deduction
  • Schedule P (100) - Alternative Minimum Tax and Credit Limitations - Corporations
  • FTB 3539 - Payment Voucher for Automatic Extension for Corporations and Exempt Organizations
  • FTB 3805Q - Net Operating Loss (NOL) Computation and NOL and Disaster Loss Limitations - Corporations
  • FTB 3885 - Corporation Depreciation and Amortization
816 100S Booklet Corporation Tax:
  • Form 100S - California S Corporation Franchise or Income Tax Return
  • Schedule B (100S) - S Corporation Depreciation and Amortization
  • Schedule C (100S) - S Corporation Tax Credits
  • Schedule D (100S) - S Corporation Capital Gains and Losses and Built-in Gains
  • Schedule H (100S) - S Corporation Dividend Income Deduction
  • Schedule K-1 (100S) - Shareholder's Share of Income, Deductions, Credits, etc.
  • Schedule QS - Qualified Subchapter S Subsidiary (QSub) Information Worksheet
  • FTB 3539 - Payment Voucher for Automatic Extension for Corporations and Exempt Organizations
  • FTB 3805Q - Net Operating Loss (NOL) Computation and NOL and Disaster Loss Limitations-Corporations
818 Form 100-ES - Corporation Estimated Tax
814 Form 109 - California Exempt Organization Business Income Tax Return
815 Form 199 - California Exempt Organization Annual Information Return
802 FTB 3500 - Exemption Application
831 Form 3500A - Submission of Exemption Request