OLT e-file offer
This promotional information is provided by Online Taxes.
Online Taxes at OLT.com would like to offer free federal and free state online tax preparation and e-filing if your Federal Adjusted Gross Income is $48,000 or less regardless of age.
Active Duty Military with an adjusted gross income of $84,000 or less will also qualify.
- Simple, fast, and accurate software.
- Accuracy guaranteed.
- Comprehensive list of forms supported.
- Free amended returns for customers who use our site to file the originally accepted tax return.
- Currently, we only store information for 4 years, and there is no cost.
Additional Services
Services | Cost |
Printing | $0 |
Customer Service/technical support | $0 |
Storage of data for future years | $0 |
W-2's and 1099's | $0 |
Downloading | $0 |
Professional review | N/A |
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