Protect Our Coast and Oceans Voluntary Tax Contribution Fund

Status reports

Minimum contribution requirement $200,000
Month Items Processed Valid Contributions
January 516 $3,763
February 2,292 $27,391
Total 2,808 $31,154
Minimum contribution requirement $250,000
Month Items Processed Valid Contributions
January 503 $4,523
February 3,087 $32,559
March 3,522 $45,389
April 7,139 $93,475
May 1,828 $22,103
June 609 $6,773
July 245 $3,102
August 153 $2,828
September 162 $3,458
October 624 $36,700
November 215 $3,801
December 70 $1,465
Total 18,157 $256,175
Minimum contribution requirement $250,000
Month Items Processed Valid Contributions
January 557 $4,600
February 3,302 $34,200
March 3,722 $49,559
April 6,512 $97,324
May 2,953 $41,677
June 575 $6,924
July 401 $6,926
August 267 $3,516
September 319 $7,078
October 1,361 $47,191
November 497 $12,850
December 147 $1,933
Total 20,613 $313,778
Minimum contribution requirement $250,000
Month Items Processed Valid Contributions
January 593 $5,884
February 3,764 $38,141
March 4,149 $59,629
April 8,591 $125,483
May 4,344 $58,635
June 625 $7,547
July 495 $7,218
August 264 $3,591
September 230 $2,995
October 690 $10,916
November 394 $5,068
December 127 $26,720
Total 24,266 $351,827
Minimum contribution requirement $250,000
Month Items Processed Valid Contributions
January 162 $26,976
February 4,657 $49,039
March 5,900 $81,258
April 5,302 $77,345
May 7,139 $98,990
June 1,325 $16,388
July 4,781 $63,939
August 371 $5,120
September 349 $6,801
October 646 $13,357
November 430 $30,090
December 107 $1,252
Total 31,169 $470,555
Minimum contribution requirement $250,000
Month Items processed Valid contributions
January 1,301 $10,379
February 6,678 $66,837
March 5,330 $63,783
April 4,786 $64,893
May 1,521 $18,350
June 2,470 $35,762
July 5,152 $75,958
August 1,181 $14,643
September 3,993 $50,704
October 661 $11,501
November 380 $4,170
December 92 $1,143
Total 33,545 $418,123
Minimum contribution requirement $250,000
Month Items Processed Valid Contributions
January 974 $8,603
February 5,900 $59,851
March 5,120 $66,075
April 8,885 $114,762
May 4,760 $51,587
June 409 $5,603
July 150 $1,893
August 185 $2,506
September 250 $4,874
October 712 $11,942
November 307 $29,602
December 66 $926
Total 27,718 $358,224
Minimum contribution requirement $250,000
Month Items Processed Valid Contributions
January 1,189 $10,864
February 4,820 $53,901
March 4,968 $67,440
April 8,151 $114,407
May 4,987 $55,047
June 542 $6,053
July 227 $2,694
August 199 $2,374
September 150 $2,759
October 807 $15,143
November 308 30,449
December 56 $662
Total 26,404 $361,793
No minimum contribution requirement due to AB 111
Month Items Processed Valid Contributions
January 323 $2,848
February 1,841 $17,644
March 2,047 $28,699
April 4,325 $59,616
May 3,599 $34,416
June 891 $10,646
July 235 $2,695
August 211 $2,512
September 155 $1,928
October 683 $36,268
November 377 $5,786
December 116 $1,500
Total 14,803 $204,558
Minimum contribution requirement $253,250
Month Items Processed Valid Contributions
January 969 $7,512
February 3,824 $58,615
March 5,178 $65,547
April 7,161 $86,926
May 4,860 $47,241
June 328 $3,847
July 231 $3,166
August 285 $3,173
September 272 $2,862
October 700 $12,136
November 308 $28,920
December 122 $1,185
Total 24,238 $321,130
Minimum contribution requirement $250,000
Month Items Processed Valid Contributions
January 1,111 $7,313
February 4,800 $41,101
March 4,407 $50,706
April 7,867 $101,847
May 2,364 $24,113
June 2,613 $34,174
July 265 $3,063
August 162 $1,956
September 184 $2,175
October 484 $9,256
November 233 $3,092
December 135 $975
Total 24,625 $279,771
No minimum contribution requirement
Month Items Processed Valid Contributions
January 1,048 $7,958
February 4,042 $36,055
March 3,545 $36,253
April 6,299 $73,286
May 2,153 $19,033
June 2,349 $27,007
July 260 $3,509
August 128 $1,837
September 118 $1,839
October 421 $5,802
November 263 $27,846
December 83 $615
Total 20,709 $241,040


The coast is more than a place; it's part of who we are as Californians. This fund helps protect, conserve, restore, and enhance the California coast and ocean for the benefit of current and future generations.

Your contribution will provide grants to:

  • Clean up shorelines
  • Restore habitats
  • Bring under served kids to the coast (some for the first time)
  • Promote access to the coast
  • Invest in the long-term protection of our coast and ocean


California Coastal Commission