Keep Arts in Schools Voluntary Tax Contribution Fund

Status reports

Minimum contribution requirement $250,000
Month Items Processed Valid Contributions
January 521 $3,925
February 2,178 $28,241
Total 2,699 $32,166
Minimum contribution requirement $250,000
Month Items Processed Valid Contributions
January 473 $5,449
February 2,908 $31,405
March 3,291 $46,582
April 6,912 $101,300
May 1,835 $25,962
June 637 $7,837
July 257 $4,691
August 152 $3,501
September 175 $3,102
October 589 $9,205
November 224 $3,793
December 58 $712
Total 17,511 $243,539
Minimum contribution requirement $250,000
Month Items Processed Valid Contributions
January 498 $4,490
February 3,018 $28,566
March 3,393 $47,137
April 6,227 $98,655
May 2,780 $37,656
June 578 $7,382
July 372 $5,750
August 273 $5,487
September 325 $5,448
October 1,339 $23,027
November 501 $12,444
December 136 $1,631
Total 19,440 $277,673
Minimum contribution requirement $250,000
Month Items Processed Valid Contributions
January 487 $3,491
February 3,220 $30,001
March 3,448 $41,314
April 7,374 $101,826
May 3,741 $47,165
June 606 $7,198
July 468 $5,874
August 216 $4,078
September 216 $4,713
October 630 $10,403
November 372 $5,425
December 121 1,359
Total 20,899 $262,847
Minimum contribution requirement $250,000
Month Items Processed Valid Contributions
January 143 $1,174
February 3,978 $37,874
March 4,913 $60,581
April 4,363 $60,076
May 5,993 $78,294
June 1,198 $15,444
July 4,001 $61,580
August 334 $4,944
September 308 $3,059
October 578 $10,939
November 387 $5,275
December 95 $1,179
Total 26,291 $340,419
Minimum contribution requirement $250,000
Month Items processed Valid contributions
January 1,018 $7,210
February 5,519 $52,637
March 4,387 $49,592
April 4,187 $52,409
May 1,340 $16,371
June 2,259 $32,445
July 4,658 $70,249
August 1,126 $14,058
September 3,402 $45,743
October 592 $9,427
November 338 $3,967
December 86 $1,122
Total 28,912 $355,230
Minimum contribution requirement $250,000
Month Items Processed Valid Contributions
January 834 $7,029
February 4,891 $48,148
March 4,310 $52,949
April 7,556 $91,446
May 4,120 $46,770
June 382 $4,025
July 156 $1,465
August 169 $2,306
September 226 $2,261
October 638 $8,743
November 323 $5,917
December 49 $577
Total 23,654 $271,636
Minimum contribution requirement $250,000
Month Items Processed Valid Contributions
January 1,137 $10,210
February 4,276 $44,698
March 4,449 $54,260
April 7,577 $106,114
May 4,643 $51,140
June 508 $5,226
July 214 $2,969
August 195 $1,811
September 150 $2,666
October 774 $12,709
November 277 $9,725
December 48 $579
Total 24,248 $302,107
No minimum contribution requirement due to AB 111
Month Items Processed Valid Contributions
January 332 $3,371
February 1,906 $19,351
March 2,008 $25,604
April 4,468 $67,010
May 3,542 $39,537
June 929 $11,093
July 223 $3,084
August 225 $3,013
September 170 $11,837
October 736 $13,726
November 372 $5,228
December 96 $1,134
Total 15,007 $203,988
Minimum contribution requirement $253,250
Month Items Processed Valid Contributions
January 1,033 $8,679
February 3,874 $33,807
March 4,929 $58,337
April 7,034 $87,911
May 4,680 $46,745
June 311 $3,125
July 220 $2,717
August 279 $3,289
September 261 $4,543
October 710 $14,972
November 302 $4,648
December 144 $1,365
Total 23,777 $270,138
Minimum contribution amount $250,000
Month Items Processed Valid Contributions
January 1,053 $7,616
February 4,663 $42,380
March 4,054 $48,372
April 7,486 $94,715
May 2,308 $26,090
June 2,358 $25,953
July 256 $3,205
August 152 $1,763
September 166 $1,019
October 457 $9,518
November 202 $1,966
December 142 $1,283
Total 23,297 $263,880
No minimum contribution requirement
Month Items Processed Valid Contributions
January 1,058 $7,571
February 4,190 $37,529
March 3,559 $60,886
April 6,684 $82,267
May 2,187 $21,622
June 2,347 $26,857
July 238 $2,340
August 131 $2,352
September 115 $1,905
October 439 $7,313
November 317 $3,485
December 86 $2,294
Total 21,351 $256,421


Contributions will be used by the Arts Council for the allocation of grants to individuals or organizations administering arts programs for children in preschool through 12th grade.

Visit the California Arts Council for more information.