Series LLC Business type
A series LLC is a group of LLCs which are owned in a tiered-down structure. The top tier LLC owns the lower-tiered LLCs.
Each LLC has assets separate from the others, while the main LLC controls all the LLCs in the series. Each unit has its own owners (members) and is liable only for its own debts and obligations.
Open a Series LLC
A SLLC cannot be formed in California. A SLLC is formed in another state must register with the California Secretary of State (SOS) before they start doing business in California.
Filing requirements
- Pay the $800 annual tax
- By the 15th day of the 4th month after the beginning of the current tax year.
- Use Limited Liability Company Tax Voucher (form FTB 3522)
- Estimate and pay the annual fee
- By the 15th day of the 6th month after the beginning of the current tax year.
- Use Estimated Fee for LLCs (form FTB 3536)
- File Limited Liability Company Return of Income (Form 568) by the original return due date.
- If your LLC files on an extension, refer to Payment for Automatic Extension for LLCs (form FTB 3537)
Registered with SOS
If the series LLC is registered in California, the first LLC in the series uses the SOS number as the identification number on its initial payment voucher. All other LLCs in the series must leave the identification numbers blank on their first payment vouchers.
Write "Series LLC # followed by the LLC number " in red ink on the top of all payment vouchers, tax returns, and correspondence.
We will assign an identification number to the rest of the LLCs in the series LLC. We will notify each series of its assigned number after we receive its initial payment voucher.