Administrative Dissolution - Intent Notices mailed to Qualified Domestic Corporations March 2021 Tax News
We recently sent Intent Notices to nearly 500 qualified domestic corporations. This is the first step in the process to initiate the Administrative Dissolution/Cancelation of:
- Qualified domestic corporations and
- Qualified domestic limited liability companies (LLCs)
That have been suspended by us for 60 or more consecutive months (five years).
These notices are mailed to the last known mailing address. The corporations/LLCs that have met the criteria to be Administratively Dissolved/Canceled will have the following posted to the SOS’s website:
- Name
- Secretary of State (SOS) file number
Currently, we are only processing domestic corporations. Intent Notices for domestic LLCs are projected to be sent to the SOS in mid-2022.
After receiving the notice, the entity has 60 days to provide us with a written objection. If a written objection is received, the entity must revive within 90 days. If the entity does not revive within 90 days, we will Administratively Dissolve the business. If no written objection is received, we will Administratively Dissolve the business.
Visit our Administrative Dissolution/Cancelation webpages for Additional information regarding the process.