A reminder to verify your client’s mailing address? April 2021 Tax News
The 2021 Filing Season will once again be “virtual” for many taxpayers and their tax professionals. In the past, this was usually the one time each year you met in person with many of your clients and were able to learn of any changes in their lives, including whether they had moved in the past year. Now, many appointments will be conducted virtually, with documents being sent via email or uploaded through a website.
Even though you may not be sitting across a desk or table from your clients, it’s still a good idea to ask the simple question: is this still your current mailing address? Many people have relocated since the pandemic began and it’s important to verify and update every clients’ contact information before filing their 2020 income tax returns.
FTB receives a large volume of returned mail every year due to returns being filed with an inaccurate or non-current address. Being able to reach your clients as soon as possible can speed up the processing of some refunds and reduce the possibility of unnecessary notices and billing that may result when an incorrect filing address is used.
While most taxpayers now receive direct deposit refunds, there are still times when a refund check is sent to a non-current address simply because the taxpayer failed to let their tax preparer or FTB know that they have moved.