Real-time Identify Proofing and Enrollment now available
You can now register for MyFTB without waiting for a Personal Identification Number (PIN)
We have completed the Real-time Identify and Proofing Enrollment process to expedite access to MyFTB accounts. You can now register for MyFTB without waiting for a Personal Identification Number (PIN) letter sent by mail.
Beginning February 4, 2022, individuals and tax professionals may choose how to activate their MyFTB account using this new process. You may either continue to have a PIN letter mailed using our existing service, or you may choose to be verified through TransUnion, a third party credit agency, by answering personal questions for instant access.
- If you are unable to obtain TransUnion verification, you will receive the PIN letter in the mail.
- Business representatives creating a MyFTB account to access business entities will not have the option for instant access. They will continue to receive a PIN letter in the mail.
For more information visit Create a MyFTB account4.
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