Eligibility and credit information CalEITC

Check if you qualify for CalEITC

The amount of California Earned Income Tax Credit (CalEITC) you may receive depends on your income and family size. CalEITC may provide you with cash back or reduce any tax you owe.

To qualify for CalEITC you must meet all of the following requirements during the tax year:

Married/registered domestic partner (RDP) filing separately filers must meet all of the following requirements:

  • Had a qualifying child who lived with you for more than half of the tax year, and:
    • You lived apart from your spouse/RDP for the last 6 months of the tax year, or
    • You are legally separated by state law under a written separation agreement or a decree of separate maintenance and you did not live in the same household as your spouse/RDP at the end of the tax year

Earned income

Earned income is wages, salaries, tips, and other employee compensation that is subject to California withholding, or net income from self-employment.

What you'll get

Use our EITC calculator or review the 2024 CalEITC credit table to calculate how much you may get when you file your tax year 2024 return. These related cash-back credits include CalEITC, the state's Young Child Tax Credit (YCTC) and Foster Youth Tax Credit (FYTC), and Federal EITC.

Generally, you may claim CalEITC to receive a refund for up to four prior years by filing or amending your state income tax return. Review the information from past years in the dropdowns below to estimate how much you could get.

Tax year 2024 maximum income and credit amounts for CalEITC and related tax credits
Number of qualifying children CalEITC, YCTC, FYTC max income CalEITC max credit YCTC max credit
FYTC max credit*
Federal EITC max credit**
(up to) (up to) (up to) (up to) (up to)
None $31,950 $294 $0 $1,154 $632
1 $31,950 $1,958 $1,154 $1,154 $4,213
2 $31,950 $3,239 $1,154 $1,154 $6,960
3 or more $31,950 $3,644 $1,154 $1,154 $7,830

*FYTC, unlike the other credits above, is awarded per qualifying taxpayer. The credit would be up to $2,308 if both primary taxpayer and spouse/RDP qualify.Return to place in table.

**For information on the maximum income allowed to qualify for the federal EITC based on filing status and number of children or relatives claimed, visit the IRS’s EITC tables webpage.Return to place in table.

Number of qualifying children CalEITC max income CalEITC (max credit) YCTC/FYTC max income YCTC max credit FYTC max credit EITC federal max credit
(up to) (up to) (up to) (up to) (up to) (up to)
None $30,950 $285 $30,931 $0 $1,117 $600
1 $30,950 $1,900 $30,931 $1,117 $1,117 $3,995
2 $30,950 $3,137 $30,931 $1,117 $1,117 $6,604
3 or more $30,950 $3,529 $30,931 $1,117 $1,117 $7,430
Number of qualifying children California maximum income CalEITC (up to) YCTC (up to) FYTC (up to) Federal EITC (up to)
None $30,000 $275 $0 $1,083 $560
1 $30,000 $1,843 $1,083 $1,083 $3,733
2 $30,000 $3,037 $1,083 $1,083 $6,146
3 or more $30,000 $3,417 $1,083 $1,083 $6,935
2021 CalEITC credit
Number of qualifying children California maximum income CalEITC (up to) Federal EITC (up to)
None $30,000 $255 $1,502
1 $30,000 $1,698 $3,618
2 $30,000 $2,809 $5,980
3 or more $30,000 $3,160 $6,728
Number of qualifying children California maximum income CalEITC (up to) Federal EITC (up to)
None $30,000 $243 $538
1 $30,000 $1,626 $3,584
2 $30,000 $2,691 $5,920
3 or more $30,000 $3,027 $6,660

Claim your credit

You must file your state tax return to claim CalEITC. You may use our free CalFile application to file your taxes. Also, you may receive free tax help through the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program.

Download, complete, and include with your California tax return:

Prior tax year credit forms:

Tax professionals

It is important to verify if your client qualifies. You may be subject to a $500 penalty if you do not comply with CalEITC requirements.

Complete and keep copies of the:

Federal information

In addition to CalEITC, you may qualify for the federal EITC. Visit the IRS Earned Income Tax Credit webpage for more information.