Department projects and initiatives Taxpayers’ Bill of Rights Annual Report to the Legislature
Digital economy: Data sources to improve compliance and educational opportunities
Completed September 2018 - This project involved researching the digital economy to gain a better understanding of current business practices and how income is or is not reported. Evaluation of resulting data will be used to improve FTB’s outreach and compliance efforts.
Detecting compliance efforts among TP segmentss
Completed March 2019 - This data analysis project is to better understand the 2013 TY Red Path taxpayers by segmenting them into Red Path components and further stratifying them based on certain return filing (or nonfiling) characteristics. This will help us understand better methods to address noncompliance in future years.
Data analytics initiative
Completed March 2019 - The objective of this initiative is to document current processes, tools, and data used by the Department in modeling and data analytics, and develop and publish a process for future offers/inquiries/requests from data analytics software vendors. Recognizing the value of this type of interaction with the private sector, it is imperative that FTB establish a baseline for our current environment around data analytics as well as a process for assessing the multitude of tools available to perform data analytics. Implemented a repeatable process for handling offers/inquiries/requests from vendors about data analytics tools and services.