How do I change my address? You can change your address multiple ways.


Using MyFTB is the fastest way to update your account.

  1. Login to MyFTB
  2. Select “Profile” from the tool bar
  3. Choose “Update contact information”
  4. View your account information
  5. Select the “Edit address” link and enter your new address
  6. Select the “Save” button

Don’t have a MyFTB account? Register here.



  1. Complete Change of Address for Individuals (Form 3533)
  2. Mail your form
    Franchise Tax Board
    PO Box 942840
    Sacramento CA 94240-0002

Visit Instructions for Form FTB 3533 for more information.


  1. Complete Change of Address for Businesses, Exempt Organizations, Estates and Trusts (Form 3533-B)
  2. Mail your form
    Franchise Tax Board
    PO Box 942840
    Sacramento CA 94240-0002

Visit Instructions for Form FTB 3533-B for more information.


General assistance line
916-845-6500 (outside the U.S.)
Weekdays, 8 AM to 5 PM