FTB 1240 California Franchise Tax Board Information Directory Revised: 03/2025
Automated Telephone Service
FTB’s automated telephone system provides services in both English and Spanish to callers with touch-tone telephones. Callers may listen to recorded answers to frequently asked questions about state income taxes, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Callers may order personal income tax forms, verify the status of their personal income tax refund, check their balance due, and confirm recent payment amounts and dates, 24 hours a day, except 9:45 p.m. Sunday to 12:15 a.m. Monday. Callers may order business entity tax forms 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. weekdays, 6 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Saturdays.
- Telephone
- From within the United States 800-338-0505
- From outside the United States 916-845-6500
General Telephone Service (Taxpayer Services Center)
Telephone assistance is available year-round from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. weekdays, except state holidays. We may modify these hours without notice to meet operational needs.
- Telephone
- From within the United States 800-852-5711
- From outside the United States 916-845-6500
Tax Assistance for Persons with Hearing or Speaking Limitations
- Persons with hearing or speaking limitations:
- California Relay Service: 711 or 800-735-2929
Tax Practitioner Services
- Telephone
- 916-845-7057
- Fax
- 916-845-9300
- Telephone
- 916-845-0353
Where to Call or Write
If an address is not shown, use:
- Unit Name
Franchise Tax Board
PO Box 1468
Sacramento CA 95812-1468
Accounting Period/Method Change
- Telephone
- 800-852-5711
- Change of Accounting Method/Period
Franchise Tax Board
PO Box 1998
Rancho Cordova CA 95741-1998
Application for Revivor
- Telephone
- 916-845-7033
Audit Division
Go to ftb.ca.gov and search for management team directory
Bankruptcy, Personal Income Tax
- Telephone
- 916-845-4750
- Fax
- 916-845-9799
Personal Income Tax - Chapters 7, 11, and 13
- Bankruptcy PIT MS A340
Franchise Tax Board
PO Box 2952
Sacramento CA 95812-2952
Bankruptcy, Business Entities Tax
- Telephone
- 916-845-4750
- Fax
- 916-845-9799
Business Entities - Chapters 7 and 11
- Bankruptcy BE MS A345
Franchise Tax Board
PO Box 2952
Sacramento CA 95812-2952
Business Entities
- Telephone
- 800-478-7194
City/County Business Tax Program
- FTBCCBT@ftb.ca.gov
Claims for Refund
- Telephone
- 800-852-5711
Business Entities Tax
- Telephone
- 888-635-0494
Collection Contact Center
- Corporations
- Exempt Corporations
- Partnerships
- Limited Liability Corporations (LLC)
- Telephone
- 888-635-0494
Personal Income Tax
Practitioner Hotline
- Telephone
- 916-845-7057
- Fax
- 916-845-9300
Collection Contact Center
- Telephone
- 800-689-4776
- 916-845-4470
Account Recovery and Resolution Team (ARRT)
- Telephone
- 916-845-7065
- 888-382-3707
- Fax
- 916-843-2425
- ARRT MS A411
Franchise Tax Board
PO Box 2952
Sacramento CA 95812-2952
Court-Ordered Debt Collections
- Telephone
- 916-845.4064
- Court-Ordered Debt Collections MS A113
Franchise Tax Board
PO Box 1328
Rancho Cordova CA 95741-1328
Vehicle Registration Debt Collections (DMV)
- Telephone
- 888-355-6872
- 916-845-6872
- Vehicle Registration Collections MS A113
Franchise Tax Board
PO Box 419001
Rancho Cordova CA 95741-9001
Computerized Tax Processors (CTP) Program
- Telephone
- 916-845-4522
- substituteforms@ftb.ca.gov
Criminal Investigation
- Telephone
- 916-227-3203
- Fax
- 916-227-2798
- FTBCIBReferrals@ftb.ca.gov
- Criminal Investigation Bureau MS L9-3
Franchise Tax Board
PO Box 219
Rancho Cordova CA 95741-0219
Data Exchange Production Services
- Telephone
- 916-845-3778
Decedent and Probate Program
- Telephone
- 916-845-3048
- Fax
- 916-845-0479
- Decedent and Probate Program MS A454
Franchise Tax Board
PO Box 2952
Sacramento CA 95812-2952
Disclosure Section
- Email (preferred)
- FTBDisclosureOffice@ftb.ca.gov
- Fax
- 916-845-4849
- Franchise Tax Board
- Disclosure Office, MS A-181
- PO Box 1468
- Sacramento, CA 95812-1468
Dishonored Checks, Status of
- Telephone
- 800-852-5711
Economic and Statistical Research Bureau
- Telephone
- 916-845-3375
Revenue Analysis Section
- Telephone
- 916-845-5125
Statistical Research and Modeling Section
- Telephone
- 916-845-3362
Tax Policy Section
- Telephone
- 916-845-7103
- Fax
- 916-845-5472
Education and Outreach
Requests for speakers
- Education and Outreach MS F385
Franchise Tax Board
PO Box 1468
Sacramento CA 95812-1468
e-Programs Customer Service
- Telephone
- 916-845-0353
- e-file@ftb.ca.gov
- Telephone
- 916-845-0353
- Telephone
- 916-845-4025
- Fax
- 916-855-5556
- e-Programs Customer Service MS F284
Franchise Tax Board
PO Box 1468
Sacramento CA 95812-1468
Equal Employment Opportunity
- Telephone
- 916-845-3651
Estates, General Information
- Telephone
- 800-852-5711
Exempt Organizations/Nonprofits and Charities
- Telephone
- 916-845-4171
- Exempt Organizations Unit MS F120
Franchise Tax Board
PO Box 1286
Rancho Cordova CA 95741-1286
Federal Treasury Offset Program
- Telephone
- 916-845-2867
Filing Compliance Program
- Telephone
- 916-845-3777
Mail Completed FTB 5841, Request for Filing Compliance Agreement, to:
- U.S. Mail
- Filing Compliance Program MS F180
Franchise Tax Board
PO Box 1779
Rancho Cordova CA 95741-1779
- Private express mail carriers such as FedEx, UPS, DHL
- Filing Compliance Program MS F180
Franchise Tax Board
Sacramento CA 95827-1500
Filing Enforcement Notice Information
- Email filing.enforcement@ftb.ca.gov
Personal Income Tax
- Telephone
- 866-204-7902
- Fax
- 916-855-5646
Business Entities Tax
- Telephone
- 866-204-7902
- Fax
- 916-843-6169
Financial Institution Record Match (FIRM)
- FTBFIRMHELP@ftb.ca.gov
- Telephone
- 916-845-5781
- Fax
- 916-843-0267
- FIRM MS A243
Franchise Tax Board
PO Box 1468
Sacramento CA 95812-1468
Go to ftb.ca.gov and search FIRM
FIRM Administrator: Informatix, Inc
- Telephone
- 866-576-5986
- CATAX@informatixinc.com
- Telephone
- 866-576-5986
- Fax
- 517-318-4696
- Corp Office
Informatix, Inc
2485 Natomas Park Drive Suite 430
Sacramento CA 95833
Fraud (to report tax fraud)
Tax Informant Hotline
- Telephone
- 800-540-3453
Go to ftb.ca.gov and search for fraud.
Human Resources
- Telephone
- 916-845.3650
Identity Theft Hotline
- Telephone
- 916-845-7088
- Fax
- 916-843-0561
- Identity Theft Team MS A421
Franchise Tax Board
PO Box 2952
Sacramento CA 95812-2952
Innocent Spouse Program
- Telephone
- 916-845-7072
- Innocent Joint Filer Program MS A452
Franchise Tax Board
PO Box 2966
Rancho Cordova CA 95741-2966
Installment Agreements
- Telephone
- 800-689-4776
Personal Income Tax
- Telephone
- 800-689-4776
- 916-845-4470
Business Entities Tax
- Telephone
- 888-635-0494
- 916-845-7033
Interagency Intercept
- Telephone
- From within the United States 800-852-5711
- From outside the United States 916-845-6500
Involuntary Conversions, Ext./Time
- Telephone
- 800-852-5711
IRS Reporting/Tax Examination Change
- Fax
- 916-843-2269
Legal Rulings/Notices (requests for)
- Telephone
- 916-845-3190
Go to ftb.ca.gov and search for legal documents.
- Legal Division MS A260
Franchise Tax Board
PO Box 1720
Rancho Cordova CA 95741-1720
Legislation, Obtain a Specific Bill
- Website
- leginfo.legislature.ca.gov
- Legislative Bill Room
State Capitol Rm B-32
Sacramento CA 95814
Legislation, Policy/Administrative Issues
- Telephone
- 916-845-4326
Letter of Good Standing (request for)
- Telephone
- 800-852-5711
Lien Program
- Telephone
- 916-845-4350
- Fax
- 916-845-4389
- Lien Program MS A456
Franchise Tax Board
PO Box 2952
Sacramento CA 95812-2952
Mortgage Interest Filing Enforcement
- Telephone
- 866-204-7902
Multilingual Communications
- Telephone
- 916-845-3976
- MultilingualCommunications@ftb.ca.gov
New Employment Credit
- Telephone
- 916-845-3464
News Media
- Telephone
- 916-845-4800
Offers in Compromise
- Telephone
- 916-845-4787
- Offer in Compromise Group MS A453
Franchise Tax Board
PO Box 2966
Rancho Cordova CA 95741-2966
Outbound Contact
Personal Income Tax
- Telephone
- 866-267-6282
- 888-895-8125
Business Entities
- Telephone
- 866-750-7571
- 888-426-9107
Personal Income Taxes
- Telephone
- 800-852-5711
Political Reform Audit
- Telephone
- 916-845-4834
Power of Attorney (POA)
- POA/Tax Information Authorization (TIA) Unit
Franchise Tax Board
PO Box 2828
Rancho Cordova CA 95741-2828
Procurement - (for questions on data exchanges or to initiate an interagency agreement)
Protest Section
- Fax
- 916-364-2754
- Protest Control Desk MS F380
Franchise Tax Board
PO Box 1286
Rancho Cordova CA 95741-1286
Public Records Act
- Disclosure Office MS A181
Franchise Tax Board
PO Box 1468
Sacramento CA 95812-1468
- Telephone
- 916-845-6080
Research - Refer to Economic and Statistical Research Returns, Request for Copies (prior years)
Personal Income Tax
- Telephone
- 916-845-5375
Business Entities Tax
- Telephone
- 916-845-5116
- Data Storage MS D110
Franchise Tax Board
PO Box 1570
Rancho Cordova CA 95741-1570
- Telephone
- 916-845-7033
S Corporation - Termination of S Corporation Election
- Telephone
- 800-852-5711
- Franchise Tax Board
PO Box 942857
Sacramento CA 94257-0500
Secretary of State
- Website
- sos.ca.gov
Corporation Status
- Telephone
- 916-657-5448
Corporate Name Availability
- Telephone
- 916-657-5448
Corporate Officers
- Telephone
- 916-657-5448
- Secretary of State
1500 11th Street
Sacramento CA 95814
Settlement Bureau
- Fax
- 916-845-4747
- Settlement Bureau MS A270
Franchise Tax Board
PO Box 3070
Rancho Cordova CA 95741-3070
Small Business Liaison
- Telephone
- 916-845-4669
Suspended Corporation
- Telephone
- 916-845-7033
Tax Forms
Order forms:
- Website
- www.ftb.ca.gov/forms/index.html
- Telephone
- 800-338-0505
- Tax Forms Request MS D120
Franchise Tax Board
PO Box 307
Rancho Cordova CA 95741-0307
Tax Informant Hotline
- Telephone
- 800-540-3453
Go to ftb.ca.gov and search for fraud.
Tax News
- taxnews@ftb.ca.gov
- Tax News Editor MS F280
Franchise Tax Board
PO Box 1468
Sacramento CA 95812-1468
Tax Practitioner Hotline
- Telephone
- 916-845-7057
- Fax
- 916-845-9300
Tax Shelter Hotline
- taxshelter@ftb.ca.gov
- Website
- Go to ftb.ca.gov and search for Shelter Hotline.
Taxpayers’ Rights Advocate
Advocate Hotline
- Telephone
- 800-883-5910
- Fax
- 916-843-6022
- Executive and Advocate Services MS A381
Franchise Tax Board
PO Box 157
Rancho Cordova CA 95741-0157
Top 500
Personal Income Tax
- Telephone
- 888-426-8555
Business Entities Tax
- Telephone
- 888-426-8751
- Franchise Tax Board
PO Box 3065
Rancho Cordova CA 95741-3065
Trusts, General Information
- Telephone
- 800-852-5711
Voluntary Disclosure Program
- Telephone
- 916-845-4476
Mail completed FTB 4925 - Application for a Voluntary Disclosure Agreement, to:
- U.S. Mail
- Voluntary Disclosure Program MS F182
Franchise Tax Board
PO Box 1779
Rancho Cordova CA 95741-1779 - Private express mail carriers such as FedEx, UPS, DHL
- Voluntary Disclosure Program MS F182
Franchise Tax Board
Sacramento CA 95827-1500
Volunteer Income Tax Assistance/Tax Counseling for the Elderly (VITA/TCE) - volunteers only
- FTBTechnicalResourceWaters-Edge@ftb.ca.gov
- PO Box 1779
Rancho Cordova CA 95741-1779
Withholding Services and Compliance - (nonresident, real estate, or backup withholding information and questions)
- Telephone
- 888-792-4900 From within the United States
- 916-845-4900 From outside the United States
- Withholding Services and Compliance MS F182
Franchise Tax Board
PO Box 942867
Sacramento CA 94267-0651
Withholding Voluntary Compliance Program
- Telephone
- 888-792-4900
- FTBWVCP@ftb.ca.gov
Mail Completed FTB 4827 - Withholding Voluntary Compliance Program Application, to:
- U.S. Mail
- WVCP Application MS F182
Franchise Tax Board
PO Box 1779
Sacramento CA 95741-1779 - Private express mail carriers such as FedEx, UPS, DHL
- Withholding Voluntary Compliance Program MS F182
Franchise Tax Board
Sacramento CA 95827-1500